well fuck

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Virgil pov

So this is awkward we are just staring at each other. Wait who's th-

"Well hello you must be Roman's new roommates, I am Emile, and babe is this your brother?" Are they not bothered by the fact Roman is literally tied up infront of me?

"Oh uh yeah this is my brother Virgil" Remy so help me god dont sa- "Where's the coffee" as he walks to the kitchen, I followed me wishpering to jan to make sure Roman doesn't escape.

"So is that your boyfriend or something?" I ask making him wipe hes head around. He looked shocked.

"Did someone told you something other then I runaway?" He asked, I just shook my head.

"Does he know or?" He glared at me while I put my hands up.

"No they don't know and I'm not sure what to tell them" ohhh thats why wrong pronouns well fuck "so are we good or?"

"Nope we need to have a conversation but be-"

"They are all vampires im telling you, they will kill us!!!" I was wondering when princy was going to say something. Me and Remy walked into the living room seeing Roman trying to escape Emile looks confused then said something that really did surprise me.

"You do understand that vampires are basically just human with a different diet right?" Everyone was taken back even Remy seems to be.

"Em what are you talking about?" Roman asked as if the were speaking a different language.

"Oh well I know a lot of vampires to patients to well friends" they spoke so happily "a lot of them dont even drink human blood but from what I heard its apparently is way better then other animals" just then Patton brought down a blood bag with Remus following him.

"Hey I though the little guy might be hungry when he wakes up" he then looks at the 2 new people "well its nice to meet you again Emile well its been to long you were just a baby when I last saw you in the woods" he smiles. Then Logan seem to be dumbfounded.

"Wait are you guys actually in your 20's?" He asked. We all look at each other.

"No we are not I am the oldest at the age of 731, the two princes" he motioned towards Remy and I "are both 500, then lastly Patton is the youngest with the age of 379 years" I look around everyone has a shock impression, like what did you think?

"Wait princes?" Roman said looking very confused.

"Well no they are called purebloods but it is the most closely thing in the world that you all can understand" Janus said obviously bored.

"So bro who found out about that bondage kink?" Remus said getting a glass of water, Roman turned a bright red color.

"Will you shut up!!" He basically screamed back at him. The two twins started fighting. It got boring fast.

"Patton can you controll that soulmate of yours?" That got everyone's attention,  while Patton just skipped over to Remus grab him by the arm pulling him to the couch and cuddling.

"Did you say soulmate?" I heard Logan ask me shit.

"Yes I did" I said shyly.

"Are soulmates the same in your.... world?" Emile asked probably unsure of what word to use. I look over at remy for help, he sighed and place down his blood coffee. Wait blood? When the fuck did he put blood in it?

"No soulmates to us are basically someone with a blood type that is like a drug to the vampire" he explained.

"So all vampires have human soulmates" we turned to Roman and look at him like he's dumb I mean he is but still. "Wait?" I heard Janus sigh as he pick up a knife and walk over to Roman. Everyone looked scared till Janus cuts his hand and blood pours out of it.

"Vampires has blood as well as a heart but it just doesn't pump or anything" he's hand stops bleeding but there was till a small pool of blood in his hand. Roman look scared and shock. Janus walks back to the kitchen cleans the blade and he's hand and stand beside me.

"Did that not hurt?" Logan asked seemly interested in something.

"No it did but nothing like getting your arm cut off." He said like it happens everyday for us.

"Wait Remy?" Emile said softly. "Are you looking for your soulmate? Is that why you're staying with me?" They sounded almost disappointed, then my idiot of a brother started laughing. I looked at him as if to say 'knock it the fuck off' seems like he got it because then he saw Emile looking like they were about to cry.

"Bitch you are my soulmate there's a reason why I'm always with you... rather you know or not" he wishper the last part. He always has gotten greedy with people he was hoping to turn. Then they just stare at each other with a love strike look. I remember my little soulmate, I look over at him and he was looking at me too.

"Can I be released?" I heard Roman groan.

"Are you going to turn us in or try to kill us?" Janus said with a small smirk on his face.

"Maybe don't try me" he retorted.

"Ahh well I do always have a way to get rope in matter of minutes." J say while untying him.

"Keep it in the room" I said sternly. When should I tell Logan he's mine?

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