friends in the castle

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Virgil pov

It's been about a month since I caught Roman talking to himself. He still hasn't found a job, I have still been to scared to ask Logan out, Patton beening talking about bitting Remus, and Remy with he's boyfriend? Themfriend? Partner been over basically everyday. Its Saturday, Remus called in, and we're watching moives. Everything is pretty simple.

"Can I meet your parents, babe?" I heard Em ask. Remy and me choke on our blood, Ace looks excited, Patton and Janus are watching Remy and I, Remus doesn't seem to care, Logan seems to be intrigued, and Roman looks on edge.

"Honey, you do know what your asking right?" Remy responded slowly.

"Yes you've meet my family a ton of times but I've only meet your brother and you never talk about them" they got a point.

"My father and I dont get along thats way" he said coldly. I mean he's not wrong before he left dad almost killed him for not being blunt and asking to turn them. He's a little better not much tho, he's bothering me because I refuse to talk to Lo about my feeling. Shit why is he looking at me? Red eye.

'What do you think?'

'I mean its your relationship'

'Yeah but if I'm taking them I'm taking all of yall'

I close my eyes to break the silent talk we had. He sighs then grinned, shit!

"Yes we can do you all want to come to?" He says while looking at everyone as I caught he's eyes.

'Paybacks a bitch huh' then he looks away I know exactly what he's planning I turn to see Patton and Janus laughing their heads off. The twins seems confused, then young vam seems excited at the idea where he doesn't have to hide.

"I dont believe we have any issues with it, to support a friend that is" Logan it is not the time to be hot! Stop it! God he doesn't even know what he is doing and its annoying like stooo- "are you okay Virge you seem a little red there" now fucking Remy is laughing. "Can vampires even get sick?" He asks.

"We can although it doesn't happen must and its extremely deadly if a human get whatever we got but I don't think its that I just think the little prince is-" Janus started saying till I threw a pillow at him.

"Finish that sentence I fucking dare you too" I glare at him eyes glowing red. He just shurged and takes a sip of his blood wine. Asshole. I look around Patton has the little vam in his arms the humans seems to be terrified Remy is just holding Em tightly. I stand up and head to bed. Imma just sleep at home.

'Jan imma be home so dont worry' I text Janus so he's not going crazy trying to find me. So I just run home when I get there I go to the kitchen to get some blood.

"Virgil what are you doing home so late at night" I heard behind me I turn to see one of Patt's students I think there name is nick?

"No reasons tomorrows a free day go get some sleep" I told him, and watch him run off. I head up to my room and fall asleep.

~the morning~

I woke up hearing some voices. I head down stairs.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" Remy. Dad must be staring at him.

"Did you turn him yet" I hear him say. I watch Remy's face go red while the humans look confused and jan and patt are trying not to laugh. "Dont you think your off the hook" shit! "Have you even asked him out yet" he said looking into my soul, wait I dont have a soul? Whatever.

"Next topic!" I scream while going to stand by Jan.

"Oh baby its been to long!" Mom is hugging and squeezing Remy to death in a matter of minutes.

"Mother calm down"

"Remy you're never going to get out of that"

" come here I need both my sons" mother said while grabbing onto me.

"So when will you guys turn them" my father said motioning to the others. All of us go quite, he just leaves.

"Well let's go eat" Mother said cheerie. We get to the dinning room mom passes out blood bags, while Patton give out sandwiches to the humans.

"So how does one turn someone into a vampire exactly?"

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