night in the castle

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Romans pov.

After Virgil left everyone was mainly quiet nobody knew what to say.

"Hey Remy?" Emile spoked up first.

"yes babe?" He replied.

"What is it like? To turn into a vampire do you know?" Remy shocked his head then look towards Janus. Jan just sighed and begin to talk.

"Its honestly not that painful from what I've heard" he took a deep breath and his tattoos came to life? I knew I wasn't seeing things. Wait they came to life. "But thats all I know a lot of the newly turned dont really get any actual changes till a week later" he looked over to Ace "do you remember anything from when you were turned?"

"Not really its just a haze" the boy looked sad?

"Normal well the only way to find out is actually to be turned but like Ace said you won't really remember it" how does he act so calm?

"Janus?" Mrs. Storm?

"Yes, your highness?" I'm so confused

"We need some assistance"

"Of course"

"Can I come?" What am I saying? Everyones looking at me.

"Roman was it?" Maybe he's going to clean something?  We'll be alone to talk I guess


"Do you know how to fight?" What?

" I know some skills"

"Very well Janus go change and take him along with you" the snake? Was around his neck very much alive.

"Come on Roman" he started to leave I followed him " why did you say something?"

"Because I dont want to stay with Remy and Emile there relationship makes me upset, on the other hand why do I have to know fighting skills?" We turned down a hall and into a gym?

"Gather up fighters!" Loud much? Is he really not my soulmate? Or at least in the vampire since?

"Live beat?" I heard someone say.

"No he is my helper today" to many emotions I thought he was going to a room alone. "This will take 5 hours everyone has blood bag?"

"Yes sir!" 5 hours? Janus started explaining what there doing it sounds like they are in the army.

~7 hours later~

I looked at my watch its been 7 fucking hours? And this is only their 2 break? I hear a door open I turn my head and see Patton and Remus? All the vampires eyes turned red then yelling?

"Come on this isn't fair!"

"You can't bring in humans during fighting!"

"Yeah! Forget it im eating!" I feel someone grab me then let go when I trun around a see someone getting choked to death by a snake and everyone went quite.

"You touch any humans in the castle and you will be killed on sight understand?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good now Patton did you need something?" 100 to 1 real quick even Remus seems scared of him Patton seem to be normal

"Oh yes the queen said its enough training and Virgil needs you" Janus nodded and Patton and remus left.

All the vampires looked at Janus for something " day is over leave" the snake dropped the man with the man running away and the snake becomes a tattoo on him again "can you walk?"

"Yeah I'm just sore" he nodded then we walking to what feels like the other side of the castle and he knocked on a door. And Virgil answered.

"Ah great your here" Janus looked Virgil over. Did they have a relationship already? How did I not know? How stu-

"You turned him?" Janus spoked so coldly

"He wanted to I dont really know why I just want to make sure I bite the right area" wait what?

"Your bite is showing" Virgil flushed as Janus walked in with Virgil on his tail as I'm behind them both. And Logan looks dead on the bed? "Tell his work place he has passed" wait he's actually dead? Virgil looked at him and starts laughing.

"Roman calm down he's not dead that just mean I bite a little to low and he's gonna be out for a week" Janus gives Virgil a confused look and he stopped laughing. " right?"

"Too high not low, yes he'll be fine and 2 weeks not 1" Virgil nodded and he left the room with me following he just went to the door across and went in. "Are you upset?" He said without looking at me.

"No why would I be?"

"Alright showers over there and ill take the floor" I guess im sleeping in here I went in the bathroom and took the shower and dont see Janus anywhere guess he left I looked around his room and there doesn't seem to be much but a photo of a lady? Who? "Snooping is rude you know" I jumped and looked around "up" I looked up and there he is laying on the roof wtf? "Sleep its bedtime"

"Whatever" as soon as my head hit the pillow I passed out

Sorry for the wait

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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