b i r t h d a y 🍑

12K 169 58

top ; tae

bottom ; kook 

!! contains mature content !! 


Nobody's P.O.V

It was Taehyung's birthday and Jungkook wanted to do something nice for him. Taehyung was a social butterfly, the total opposite of Jungkook, but he was willing to do anything for him. Taehyung wanted to go out to an arcade and just play games all night, so Jungkook suggested that they should do Laser tag. Taehyung, loving the idea, agreed immediately.

Now here they were running around a dark room while holding guns in their hands. They decided to have some fun with this and took the opposite teams of each other, making it a chasing game basically. Taehyung wasn't really trying to get other people, just looking for Jungkook. Nobody had paid attention to him and just went for the friends that they had come with.

Taehyung frowned when he couldn't find Jungkook, but made a small sound of surprise when he felt someone grab his waist and turn him around quickly. It was Jungkook of course, who was now slightly towering over the boy. His grip on Taehyung's waist tightened slightly while he started to push him against the wall. They kept their eyes locked, looking at the gleam in them. The dark brown orbs were close to matching if it wasn't for the difference in shape.

Taehyung had sparkling doe eyes that shined even more whenever he would be with Jungkook. Jungkook on the other hand had dark, hooded eyes that made him look serious all the time. Taehyung, being with him for 3 years and counting, knew that that wasn't true.

When his body quickly made contact with the wall and his head bouncing slightly, his lips opened a little while looking at Jungkook with expectant eyes. Before they knew it, their lips were harshly locking with each other. Taehyung let out a small hum when he felt Jungkook's arms wrap around his waist to pull him closer. Taehyung put his hands around Jungkook's neck, too caught up in the moment to feel one of Jungkook's arms pulling away. It wasn't until he heard the loud 'beep' coming from the vest he was wearing. He pulled away slightly panting while Jungkook came away with a smirk on his face.

" Gotcha " he said while cocking an eyebrow. He let go of Taehyung, still looking at his eyes before turning and walking away. Taehyung pouted slightly before yelling at Jungkook.

" Hey!! That's cheating!! " He said, letting out a whine. He let out a huff when Jungkook said nothing in return, but instead kept walking. Jungkook knew he let his competitiveness get the best of him, and that made him feel a bit guilty. . But knowing his boyfriend, he could easily get him to forgive him just by simply giving him ice cream while a kiss on the cheek.


Jungkook, of course, ended up winning the entire round making Taehyung let out a loud and dramatic tut. He heard the doors of the room open and eventually saw Jungkook come out. He crossed his arm and pouted. Jungkook saw him quickly and cutely ran over to him with his hands held out to hold the boy. He put a shy smile on his face when he got there. Taehyung turned around and shook his head, not even looking at him. Jungkook back hugged him softly showing his guilt heavily.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled before kissing Taehyung's neck softly. The feeling tickling Taehyung a little bit made him turn his head away to hide the smile. Jungkook knew he was smiling but didn't push it. He instead turned Taehyung around and grabbed the other boy's arms and placed them around his own neck. Taehyung glared up at Jungkook before muttering a small 'I hate you'. His words did not match his actions whatsoever as he wrapped his hands around the other boy's waist and placed his head in his neck. Jungkook wrapped his thin arms around Taehyung's neck and rested his head on the others. Giving a small kiss on the fluffy hair, he pulled away after a few moments to look at his lover.

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