I - h a t e - y o u ⛓️

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top ; Taehyung 

bottom ; Jungkook

!! contains talk of depression, scars and eating anxiety !! 


Nobody's P.O.V

jungkook was hugging his pillow tightly while staring out the window that was across the room. he watched as the sun slowly rose, the rays shining into the pale room and shining onto his pale skin, he watched as the trees rustle in the soft breeze and the birds flying past. he was laying sideways on the bed, his small figure still fitting on the bed, his knees were bent comfortably and his head was resting on a cushion pillow. he continued watching until the sun had gone past the top of the window and out of his sight, before eventually making its way down making the sky darker by the hour. he had stayed in this position the entire day, but he didn't care one bit. if anything, it made him silently dry chuckle at his antics. he didn't get up to eat, making his stomach growl all day and a headache made its way into his head.

but he simply didn't have any motivation.

he had dark eye bags that indicated his lack of sleep and energy, wearing clothes that needed changing and were wrinkly. he had tired eyes and hungry limbs but did nothing to help.

he heard the door open quietly letting him know that someone was here, guessing that it was his boyfriend. he didn't see the person come in, nor heard the person talk so all he could do was assume. he heard shoes being taken off and dropped to the ground, bags getting placed on the desk and the small clinging of a belt ending with the rustling of pants falling to the ground. he heard the drawers open behind him, a moment of silence before the closing of the drawer. he felt the bed dip making him tilt backwards slightly, but still keeping his gaze out the dark window. an arm gently removed the pillow from under his head, replacing it with itself, the other one coming to gently wrap around his waist, his back now against a broad chest. the delicate aroma of his boyfriend's scent filled his nose, making a small smile imagine it's way onto his lips. gentle pecks were trailing their way around his neck while a thumb rubbed his waist along with his extended forearm, the pointer finger tracing over the small, tan, ragged lines that scattered the skin. there was a peaceful silence between the couple before the other broke it.

" how are you feeling honey?" taehyung's deep voice asked softly. he got no response even though jungkook desperately wanted to respond to him. talk to him. have energy to open his mouth and produce sound in the form of words to communicate. how he desperately wanted to get up and eat food, feeding the growing hunger in his stomach and to wash away the insecurities that lived within it. how he desperately wanted to turn his body around, let his hidden tower of tears crumble down onto the chest of his lover.

but he just can't.

he couldn't.

taehyung didn't sigh in disappointment, he didn't roll his eyes at the behavior, he didn't leave the boy to drown in his gloomy state. he just hugged the younger tighter, placing his chin on the latter's shoulder, holding his hand tightly. jungkook didn't even hold it back but he silently thanked the older.

" I met up with jimin today, we went to your favorite ice cream parlor. I brought some back for you if you want it, it's in the freezer." taehyung thought it would be a good idea if he talked about how his day went since he knew that jungkook was not going to be the one starting the conversation.

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