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Just a fluffy chapter for y'all. TW! Mentions of nightmares!


~(Y/N)'s POV~

I sigh, looking outside of the Razor Crest, the ramp lowered in wait for Mando. I rock the Child in my arms, humming a soft tune to get him to fall asleep.

"Shh, your daddy will be here soon." I say softly, calming him down. The Child looks up at me with wide, innocent eyes, tears still trailing down his little green cheeks. I wipe away the tears with the hem of my sleeve, kissing his forehead. 

"Hey, it'll be alright buddy. Mando will be home soon." I whisper, walking away from the ramp and rocking the Child in my arms, watching as those big brown eyes fell shut, soft snores coming from his little lips. I smile and kiss his forehead, carefully placing him in the hammock above the mattress of the sleeping pod. I close the sleeping pod and sit down on a crate, munching on my ration that I wasn't able to eat before the Child went to bed. 

After a few hours, I lifted my head, hearing the ramp hiss as it lowered, revealing Mando at the end of it, a hand over his vambrace. I rushed forward as he started to fall forward, managing to catch him before he face planted.

"Mando!" I shout, turning him over in my arms, seeing the wounds responsible for his weakness. I drag him into the ship, laying him on my bed and closing the ramp. Rushing around, I grabbed the medkit off the wall and rushed back to Mando, removing his leg armor as well as his chestplate. I tear open the fabric around the wound on his leg and start cleaning it. The second the rubbing alcohol touched the cut, Mando shot up, holding a knife to my throat. I sit completely still, looking into the black T-shaped visor.

"It's just me Mando…" I say soothingly, watching as he lowered the knife.

"Sorry… reflex." He says softly. I nod in understanding and go back to cleaning the wound. Audible hisses sounded from the modifier of Mando's helmet.

"Sorry… but it has to be done." I whisper, finish the cleaning process before grabbing the bacta ointment and some bandages. I squeeze out some ointment onto my fingers, gently rubbing it onto the wound. Mando hisses, his hands fisting in the blankets of my bed. I carefully lifted his leg enough so I could wrap the bandages around the wound, securing it tightly. I then move to the wound on his stomach, cleaning it thoroughly before applying the bacta ointment and bandaging it.

"Th-thank you." Mando says quietly, his vocoder barely able to pick it up. I smile softly.

"You're welcome, now, I recommend you get some rest. I'll tend to the ship." I say softly. Mando only pulls me down next to him.

"Stay… please." He says meekly. I smile softly and turn to face him.

"Only until you fall asleep… the ship needs tending to." I say softly. Mando nods, burying his helmeted face into my chest.

"Cyar'ika… I was so scared… I thought I'd lost you… th-the bounty said they had found the ship a-and sent lackeys to take you out…" Mando says softly, his normally calm voice shaky. I reach down and pull my blindfold over my eyes.

"Hey, you didn't lose me… I'm still here. You won't get rid of me that easily." I whisper, moving to remove his helmet from memory. Mando beat me to the punch, undoing the clasp that kept his helmet in place and lifting it over his head.

"I-I know… it doesn't mean I don't still worry about your safety." Mando whisper.

"Mando, I'm ex-rebel, I can handle myself… but I appreciate your worry."

"Din." Mando says softly.

"What?" I ask, confused by the word.

"Din… thats my name… you may only use it in the Crest or when we're alone…"

"Din… cyare… I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I whisper, running my fingers through his slightly wavy hair.

"Promise?" He whispers, his pinky finger brushing against my palm. I raise my pinky finger and wrap it around his.

"Promise." I whisper, kissing his forehead.

"Now, get some rest… I'll still be here when you wake." I say softly, starting to hum a lullaby that I knew made him fall asleep. After a few moments of humming and running my fingers through his hair, soft snores escaped Din's lips, earning a soft smile from me.

"Rest well cyare." I whisper, carefully worming my way out of his grasp before getting up and wondering around the ship until I found the controls I was repairing earlier. I pull down my blindfold, making sure not to look over my shoulder. I finish repairing the controls and sigh, pulling my blindfold up and walking over to the ramp controls and setting ground controls. 

I stumble over to my bed sleepily, carefully laying back down next to Din. His arms unconsciously wrap around me, pulling me close to him. I smile softly and bury my face in his chest, closing my eyes and falling asleep. 

I wake up in the middle of the night to Din sitting up very suddenly, causing my face to hit the floor. I sit up groggy and tilt my head up towards Din. 

"What's wrong love?" I ask softly, hearing his heavy breathing. He only wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest where I hear his rapid heart beat.

"Din, cyare… what's wrong? Another nightmare?" I ask softly, rubbing his back gently. Din nods against my shoulder and I feel something wet soak through my shirt. I frown slightly, pressing a kiss over his heart.

"Din, baby… it'll be okay. See? I'm right here. And the Child is still in the sleeping pod… we haven't left you." I whisper, holding him close. Din only nods, gripping my shirt tightly in his hands. I take a deep breath and nuzzle his chest.

"Breathe cyare… with me. Ready? In… and out." I say, taking a deep breath to demonstrate. Din follows my lead, breathing in and out with me until his breathing evened out and his heart rate returned to normal.

"That's better. Now, lay down with me… if you want, I'll lay on top of you. Like a weighted blanket." I say, partially joking. Din chuckles softly and nods.

"Th-that sounds good." He whispers, laying down. I carefully climb on top of him, laying down on his muscular chest.

"Better?" I ask softly.

"Much…" He whispers, kissing my forehead before starting to run his fingers through my (H/L) hair. I smile softly and reach up, cupping his face in my hands and stroking his cheekbones with my thumbs. He sighs contently, his breathing becoming slower before soft snores fill the room. I smile and close my eyes, drifting slowly off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Din." I whisper sleepily, letting myself succumb to the sweet succor of sleep.


I hope y'all liked it! I am taking requests currently!

Cyare- Beloved
Cyar'ika- darling/sweetheart

Luv Y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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