The Low Days

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I wanted to write a oneshot for those of you struggling with the lows of mental illnesses. Just know I am here for you if you ever need to talk. I love you all <3 .


~(Y/N)’s POV~

I sigh, laying down in the bed I shared with my husband. I hug his pillow, breathing in his scent before rolling onto my back. I checked my phone for the thousandth time today, surprised to see a new notification. I open the message, seeing a text from Din.

Mando: Hey love, I’m just checking in to see how you’re doing. It’s lunch time if you’d like to call.

I smiled at his message and hit the call button. After a few rings, Din picked up.

Hey love. What’s up?” Din says, his voice soothing me.

“Nothing much.”

What’re you doing?

“Just laying in bed. Have no energy.”

Have you eaten anything today?” Din asks, slight concern in his voice.

“No. Haven’t been out of bed.”

Well, can you please go grab at least a pop tart to eat? I understand you’re not feeling up to much right now but please at least eat something.

“Okay… I’m heading to the kitchen now.” I say, standing and walking slowly to the kitchen, stopping to feed Grogu, our turtle, on the way there.

I’m proud of you baby.” Din says. I smile and grab a package of pop tarts, popping them into the toaster. I wait for them to pop up, hopping up and sitting down on the counter.

Are you on the counter baby?” Din asks. I nod, forgetting he couldn't see me.

“O-oh, yeah. Sorry.” I squeak. 

It’s alright. I’m not mad. Sit where you want, just be careful.” Din says softly, earning a smile from me. I sat on the counter, swinging my feet and humming before the toaster popped up. I jump a foot into the air, falling off the counter.

You okay love?” Din asks, his voice filled with concern.

“Y-yeah. Toaster scared me.” I say, standing up and rubbing my head before grabbing the toasted pastries and placing them on a small plate. I sit back down on the counter and nibble on my pop tarts, putting Din on speaker phone.

I’m so proud of you starlight.” Din praises, I blush and smile, finishing one of the sweet breakfast treats.

Alright. I gotta go now. I’ll see you when I get home. Okay?” 

“Okay. I love you.”

I love you too starlight.” Din says, hanging up. I set my phone down on the counter next to the second treat. I pick up the treat reluctantly, bringing it to my mouth and biting into it. I eat the whole treat slowly, throwing away the trash and moving to the couch, sitting down in my spot. I turn on the TV and put on netflix, playing a mindless show. I fiddle with the hem of my shirt, not really paying attention to the show. 

After a few hours, I hear the door open and turn my head to look over my shoulder, smiling slightly when I see Din. I move to stand up, only for Din to place a hand on my shoulder.

“Stay where you are love. I’m going to go make dinner. What would you like?”

“Something small.” I whisper.

“Alright. Grilled ham and cheese it is.” Din says, walking to the kitchen. I watch him from my seat on the couch, leaning my head back against the back of the couch and closing my eyes after a while. After about a half hour, Din walked into the living room with the food, holding my plate in front of me. I smile, seeing the sandwiches cut into triangles. Small enough to eat in two bites, and good enough to trick my brain into eating them.

“Tank you.” I whisper.

“You’re welcome love. Eat up.” Din says, biting into one of his sandwiches. I nibble on the bite-sized slices of my sandwiches, eventually finishing the equivalent of one and a half sandwiches before my appetite cut out on me.

“Done?” Din asks, moving to take my plate from me. I thank him quietly, shifting in my seat. Din puts the leftovers in a bag and washes the dishes before coming back to the couch. I shift again, curling into his side and burying my face into his stomach.

“What’s up love?”

“I just-... I feel low… like I can’t get out of this rut that I’ve been in and it’s slowly taking a toll on me. My mental health has been on a steady decline and my overall health has just been… shit.” I mumble, trying to hold back my tears. Din strokes my hair, his fingers working out the knots that came from not brushing it.

“Maybe we should take a vacation. I’ve been saving up my time. We could go to the beach. Or even just out of town to the country, visit family. What if we just take a couple weeks and go on a short road trip?” Din suggests, still working the knots and tangles out of my hair.


“Yeah. I could stand to get out of the house for a couple weeks. And, maybe, it’ll put you on a steady incline with your health.” DIn says, his warm voice hopeful.

“Hopefully… let’s do it. I’d love to see the Grand Canyon.” I say, perking up a bit.

“That’ll be our destination. I’ll take a few weeks so we can enjoy as much time as we need.” Din says, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome love. And, you know that I am so proud of you for being here. For staying another day with me. I love you so much and that’ll never change. I believe in you.” Din says reassuringly, bringing tears to my eyes.

“Thank you.” I whisper, burying my face in his shoulder and letting out a sob. Din rubs my back, kissing my shoulder gently.

“I will always be here for you, no matter what. My little starlight.”


I hope y'all liked it! I will be writing another oneshot probably within the next couple weeks, so keep an eye out.

Luv Y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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