Under the Cover of Darkness

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Just some pure, mindless smut for y'all. NSFW Warning!


~(Y/N)'s POV~

I sigh, flopping down into my chair behind Mando's, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. 

"What's wrong love?" Mando asks. I blush at the nickname and sigh.

"Nothing. Just… exhausted and ready for our next stop so we can get the parts I need to fix the Crest." I say, running my hand through my hair again.

"We'll arrive at Tatooine in two days, can the Crest last that long?" He asks.

"She should be able to. It's just a minor problem that's going on in the manifolds." I say, wiping my forehead and unknowing smearing some grease on my (S/T) skin.

"Okay. As long as she'll last us. How's the kid?" 

"He's fine. Got him to sleep in his little pod." I say, looking out at the stars.

"Good." Mando says, turning off all the lights and standing up. I watch his shadowed form, my eyes trying to adjust to the all too familiar darkness. I listened as his armor clunked against itself as he removed it and set it on the ground in a neat pile.

"Is this alright love?" He asks softly.

"Y-yes…" I whisper, hearing the familiar hiss of his helmet coming off before it too joined the pile of beskar to my right. Mando leans in, his breath fanning across my face before his chapped lips met my own.

"I've wanted you all day." He whispers through rushed kisses.

"And you looked like you needed some… relief." Mando says softly. I only hum into the kiss, trailing my arms up around his shoulders. Mando tugs on my grease-stained tank top, pulling it over my head before moving to unclasp the back of my bra. The uncomfortable contraption fell forward when it was unhooked, and Mando slipped it off my arms, gently placing kisses along my sternum, moving to my breasts. He cups them in his calloused fingers, gently sucking on one nipple while he pinches and rolls the other in between his fingers. 

I moan softly, running my fingers through his slightly wavy hair, biting my lip to keep any more noises from flowing and waking up the child.

"Don’t hold back mesh'la… I want to hear your beautiful voice." Mando whispers against the supple skin of my breast. He switches sides, sucking on the opposite nipple while his fingers worked the one he'd previously been sucking. Soon his touches stopped, his hand trailing down to the waistband of my loose pants. He slips his hand beneath the waistband and swipes his fingers through my wet heat.

"Fuck… so wet for me mesh'la." Mando whispers, pulling his hand from my pants and lifting them to his mouth, slurping noises filling the dark cabin. I blush and squirm slightly, squeezing my thighs together for any sort of friction. Mando chuckles and places his hands on my knees, spreading them apart before his fingers hooked into the waistband of my pants and panties, pulling them both down in one fell swoop. He lifts me out of the chair and lowers me slowly onto the cold floor of the Razor Crest, the cool metal sending a shiver through my body.

"M-Mando…" I whimper.


"Wh-what?" I stutter.

"Din. Call me Din." He whispers against my ear, placing gentle kisses along the shell, tugging slightly on my piercings with his lips. 

"D-Din." I whisper, tugging on his shirt. He slips out of the thick fabric and leans down, capturing my lips with his. 

"Din… p-please."

"Please… what mesh'la?" He purrs, moving his kisses down my jaw, to my neck, nipping at my pulse point. 

"P-please fuck me!" I cry out, growing more and more desperate as he kisses my body roughly, his stubble scraping my smooth skin.

"Not yet mesh'la. I want to savor you." He whispers, kissing and mouthing at my stomach, nipping at my sensitive sides. I whine loudly, bucking my hips up to try to achieve any kind of friction. Din chuckles and continues mouthing at my stomach, his mouth slowly going lower. He soon reaches my dripping sex. Din licks a stripe up my folds, earning a moan from me.

"Fuck… you taste so good mesh'la." He growls, flicking his tongue over my clit. Din groans as he sucks on my clit, slipping a finger into me. I moan at the feeling, tangling my fingers in his wavy locks. Din adds a second finger thrusting in and out of my soaking cunt. I mewl and cry out when his fingers curl into the right spot. My body basically turned to mush as he continued assaulting that spot. I grip Din's hair, feeling my climax building in my stomach. 

"D-Din. I'm gonna cum!" I moan. Din smirks against my sex and continues his assault, sucking harshly on my clit while his fingers rubbing against my g-spot. I grip his hairtightly, holding his face close as I cried out. My body trembled as I rode out my high, Din helping me through it by licking and sucking lightly on my clit.

"Good girl~" Din purrs, sitting up. I heard some soft slurping noises and felt my face heat up, realizing what he was doing.

"Gods, you taste amazing." He groans, leaning down and kissing me. I moan softly at the taste of myself on his tongue, my face bright red. Din pulls back, the sound of his belt buckle becoming undone filling the room. I listen as Din grunts softly, pumping his cock before I felt the blunt tip of his cock against my entrance. I tense up slightly, biting my lip. Din grips my hips and thrusts in with one swift motion. I gasped softly and moaned as his thick cock filled me up.

"Fuck~ s-so tight~" Din groans, his fingertips digging into my hips. I moan loudly, throwing my head back. Din starts to thrust roughly, leaning down and biting into my shoulder. I gasp at the sudden pain and moan softly, raking my nails down his back. Din hisses into my ear, continuing his rough thrusts. I moan loudly, gripping Din's shoulders tightly. Din moans softly as he thrusts, burying his face into my shoulder.

"Fuck… I'm not gonna last long love." Din groans, panting softly. I moan as he thrusts, gasping and gripping his shoulders as he angled himself just right. I cry out, my body trembling as the waves of pleasure rolled through me. Din smirks against my skin, biting my shoulder again, leaving a mark to claim me as his. Din thrusts roughly into my g-spot, his teeth still dug into my shoulder. I moan softly, feeling a warm droplet of blood rolling down my shoulder.

"Fuck… every bit of you tastes amazing love~" Din says, lapping up the blood from the bite mark. I blush, moaning as he nipped at the sensitive skin around the bite. Din grunts lowly through grit teeth, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he becomes desperate for release. I moan softly, feeling my own climax building for a second time. 

"Fuck… I'm gonna cum mesh'la." Din whispers. 

"M-me t-too." I whimper out, the coil in my stomach growing tighter. Din thrusts in deeper, grinding his hips against mine, trying to go even deeper. He thrusts a couple more times before cumming deep inside me. I mewl, cumming on his cock. Din groans as my walls clenched tightly around him, moaning loudly as my body trembled. Din thrusts a few more times, riding out his high before he pulls out, panting heavily.

"Fuck love… you're such a good girl~" Din whispers breathlessly, helping me back into my pants and top, disregarding my bra.

"How about me go below and get some cuddles?" Din asks softly, putting his armor back on, the click and hiss of his helmet sounding through the dark cockpit.

"Sounds good to me." I whisper, panting softly as I stood on shaky legs.


I hope y'all liked it! I just wanted to write some smut, so here y'all go.

Mesh'la- beautiful

Luv Y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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