Dancing in the Stars

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I hum softly to the tune of the music that was playing in the cantina, tapping my foot on the bar. With a hum, I downed the rest of my drink and stood, placing some credits down on the bar and walking out. I tap the rhythm of the music on my thigh, wandering to the Razor Crest. I bang on the hatch, yawning.

"Let me in! Please, Mando!" I shout. The door hisses and the ramp lowers, allowing me to climb into the ship.

"You look a little worse for wear, (Y/N)." Mando comments, looking down at me through his visor.

"Meh... just had one too many." I mutter, "Hey Mando... dance with me." I say, holding my arms out for him. He shakes his helmeted head.

"No... thank you. You're drunk." Mando says, handing me a glass of water.

"Drink up then go to bed. I'll wake you up when the sun reaches its peak in the sky." He says, guiding me to the sleeping quarters. I frown but drink the water anyway, setting the glass down on a crate before laying down in the bed, cuddling with the pillow and breathing in the musky scent of the Mandalorian.

~A few months later~

I hum softly, tending to my duties on the Crest while Mando sat up in the cockpit. I sway my hips as I hum, getting lost in the music in my head. I didn't notice when Mando came down the ladder until I felt his hands on my hips, his helmeted head bumping against the nape of my neck. I startled out of my trance, looking over my shoulder at the masked man.

"M-Mando-!" I stutter, only to have him spin me around and put a finger to my lips.

"Din." He states softly.


"That's my name... Din Djarin." He whispers. I blush, a warmth spreading through my chest that he trusted me enough to tell me that.

"Din... what are you doing?"

"I'm taking you up on that dance offer." He says, placing my hands on his shoulders before resting his gloved hands on my waist, swaying from side to side as we listened to the sounds of the Crest. I smile,resting my head on his chestplate, humming softly.

"I'm sorry I'm not much of a dancer..." Din says, continuing to sway from side to side as we moved in circles.

"It's fine... this is fine." I whisper, closing my eyes as Din guides me around the cargo hold, the beeps and humming of the ship our only music.

Months went by in the blink of an eye, the only moments seeming to still the pace of time being the moments when Din would stop what he was doing to dance with me. No music needed, just the two of us and the Crest.

I walk to the Crest from the village we had stopped at and stop at the base of the ramp, seeing Din doing a little dance as he worked on packing up our haul. I smile to myself and quietly walk up the ramp, setting my crate down and leaning against the wall to watch as Din shimmied around the cargo hold, just shuffling from side to side while he hummed. It was times like these when I wished time would come to a halt and just let us have our little moments. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Din halted, his helmeted gaze landing on me.

"H-hey (Y/N)... how long have you been there?" Din asks.

"Not long." I say with a shrug, my small smile never leaving my lips.

"You saw that, did you?" Din whispers, seemingly embarrassed.

"Just a bit." I say, walking over to Din. He holds up a hand, a small noise coming through his modulator. I stop him before he could speak, taking his helmet in my hands and placing a kiss to the T-shaped visor.

"It was quite adorable... but honestly I was surprised to see you dancing. But you were right when you said you're not a very good dancer." I say the last part jokingly, smiling. Din ruffled my hair, pushing me out of the way.

"No need to mock me."

"I'm not mocking. I'm repeating your own words. It's alright... I'll teach you how to dance... so long as I get to feel your face when we finish lessons... deal?"

"I-I... I don't know if you can do that..."

"What? It technically wouldn't be a break of your creed because I wouldn't be laying my eyes on your face."

"You and technicalities." Din says with a shake of his helmeted head.

"Fine. But I expect to become a good dancer like you once these lessons are over."

"Deal." I say, putting my hand out for him to shake. Din grips my hand, giving it a firm shake before letting go.

"Now, let's go get the rest of the cargo so we can get off this dump of a planet."


As the months passed, I slowly taught Din how to dance. He learned quickly, but he still has two left feet.

"(Y/N)... can you come here for a moment?" Din asks, his modulated voice coming from the sleeping quarters.

"S-sure..." I say, unsure. I walk over to the quarters and crawl in next to Din. He hits the button to close the hatch, plunging us into darkness.

"You've done an excellent job teaching me how to dance... s-so I figured it was time for me to hold up my end of the deal." Din says, a hiss coming from his direction before I heard a thunk.

"Are you sure? I said it as a bit of a joke." I whisper.

"I'm sure... I-I trust you." Din whispers.

"Th-that-... I'm glad you trust me." I mumble, blushing. Din grunts softly and grabs my hands and guides them up to his face. He places my hands on his face, his stubble scraping against my skin. I open my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I gently guide my hands along his jawline, taking in the small details. His face was smooth, all except for the patches of stubble along his jawline. I feel along his upper lip, finding he had a mustache. I smile, never have pegged him as the type to have a mustache. My fingers glide up to his forehead, feeling over the lines and wrinkles there. I move to his eyes, feeling his full lashes against my fingertips, moving to the sides of his eyes, feeling his crows feet.

"Wh-what color are your eyes?" I ask softly.

"Brown." Din whispers, bringing a smile to my face.

"I bet they're gorgeous..." I whisper, holding his face in my hands. Din leans into my touch, a soft hum of contentment leaving his lips. I lean forward and place a soft kiss on his forehead, earning a soft gasp from Din. I smile softly, only to have my small moment of triumph taken from me when Din pressed his lips against mine. My eyes went wide before I relaxed into the kiss, closing my eyes and kissing back. After a few moments, Din pulled away. I take a deep breath and open my eyes, still unable to see.

"Wh-where did that come from?" I ask softly.

"I-I like you (Y/N)... a-and I was wondering if you would be my partner." Din whispers.

"O-of course... Of course I'll be your partner." I whisper, resting my forehead against Din's. Din gently brushes a strand of hair behind my ear and kisses my nose.

"Alright... w-well... what do we do now?"

"A nap sounds good." I say, smiling.

"Agreed." Din says, placing one last kiss to my forehead before slipping his helmet back on, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Sleep well." Din whispers. I smile, closing my eyes and falling asleep, my head resting against his chest plate.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long. I've been super busy at work! I hope y'all enjoyed this oneshot!

Luv Y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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