Practically Perfect in Every Way

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This is a chubby! Reader x Din Djarin! Warning! Fluffy and smut ahead! TW! Body image.


~Din's POV~

I walk into the ship, seeing (Y/N) looking at the reflective surface of the ship's interior. I watched as she looked at herself from the side, grabbing her stomach and letting it flop back down, a frown on her gorgeous face. I sigh quietly, watching as she grabbed her thighs, the fat there jiggling. I sneak up behind her and pick her up, twirling her around.

"D-Din!" She yelps, grabbing my arms. I set her down and close the ramp using my vambrace, removing my helmet.

"Ner Riduur…" I whisper, kissing her neck. She chuckles and blushes, pushing my face and arms away. I sigh softly, noticing the way she hugged herself, glancing at her reflection. I take a deep breath and walk up behind her again, grabbing her wrists gently and pulling them away from her body. I kiss her neck, trailing down to her shoulders, turning her around and kissing down her chest. I slowly moved down her chest to her stomach, cupping the beautiful chub in my hands, kissing it.

"Ner mesh'la Riduur." I whisper against her skin, a content sigh leaving my lips as I knelt down, hugging her waist. I trail my kisses down her stomach to her thighs, gently squeezing the wonderful skin.

"D-Din…" she says, her voice cracking. I looked up, seeing that she was crying.

"Riduur… why are you crying?" I whisper, rising to my feet.

"H-how could you love me? I-I’m fat… a-a-and I'm ugly… and-" I cut her off with a kiss, capturing her stuttering lips with mine. I pull back and hold her at an arm's length.

"You're not fat. You're beautifully round and round is cute." I whisper, gently kissing her round cheeks, loving the way they turned pink at my compliments.

"And you're not ugly. You are the most beautiful creature in the galaxy. You are more beautiful than the stars. More beautiful than any planet." I say, making her look into my eyes. She blushes brighter, her cheeks a beautiful bright red. I smile and kiss her cheeks, feeling their warmth.

"You are perfect. In every way, ner Riduur." I whisper, resting our foreheads together. I kiss her lips gently, feeling their softness against my own chapped ones.

"Now, I'm going to help you realize how beautiful you are." I whisper, picking her up bridal style and laying her in the sleeping pod. I climb on top of her and gently pull up her shirt, kissing her gorgeous stomach, trailing kisses along her stretch marks. I hear a soft sob leave her lips and reach up, holding her hand gently.

"Don't cry ner Riduur… you are beautiful and I'm just going to show you how beautiful you are to me." I whisper against her skin, sucking a little love mark onto the skin of her stomach. She only grips my hand tighter, silent sobs coming from her lips. I continue trailing my kisses down her stomach, pulling her pants down and lowering myself to the ground, gently pulling her towards me.

"My favorite position." I say, smirking against the skin of her inner thighs which I had wrapped around my neck.

"Gods, you're so beautiful. Gar bid mesh'la." I whisper, slipping into mando'a once again. She blushes, looking at me. I smirk and nip at the tender skin of her inner thighs, a content sigh leaving my lips.

"Another favorite position of mine is…" I pull her down on top of me, positioning her over my face.

"This. I love watching you come unraveled from here. Such a lovely view." (Y/N) blushes and buries her face in her sleeves. I sit up and pick her up by the waist, wrapping her legs around my waist while I laid her in the sleeping pod once more. 

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