Total hottie say what?!?

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I am giving you guys an update instead of studying for a test so your welcome!(:

Sorry this isn't edited..

Dedicated to Lovesick13000 for being an amazing friend  and for always being there for me through thick and thin! Love you girl!!(:

Shout out to Imperfect_Stars for the cover on the side

|In the end, we regret the choices we didn't take|


Did the badboy just ask me out on a date?

"Yes, I did so...?" Corbin said. I said that outloud?

"Yes, you did" he said again

"Oh for living heck! That is so embarrassing!!"

"I think it's adorable"he tells me

"I am not adorable"

"Yes, actually you are very adorable" I can feel the blush creeping up and I look down at the ground but Corbin lifts my head back up so I am looking straight into his eyes until he is close enough for me to realize that he was going to kiss me again. I feel his lips on mine and I step forward to close the spance between us and I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist and he deepens the kiss.  All I can think about is whether he is playing me or if it is all real. I mean he is known as the player so.. yeah. We both pull away to catch our breaths.

"What were we talking about now?" I ask him

"I asked you out, but you never gave me and answer yet and then I called you adorable and then you blushed and then I kissed you. By the way that was one heck of a kiss!"

"Oh yeah, and thanks. I have to ask you something before I answer you question though"

"Ok, ask away" he tells me

"Are you playing me just like all the other girls or is this for real?"

"To tell you the truth, this is all for real. I have never felt this way before and to tell you the truth again, I think... I think I might just be falling for you" he tells me.

"Seriously?" I ask shocked

"Abi, there is a reason I don't just stay with one girl but I'm not going to tell you why just yet...."

"That's okay, I just had to make sure you weren't just going to play me." I tell him

"Okay, so how about that date?" he asks again nervously.  I stand on my tippy toes because he is a couple of inches taller then I am and lightly press my lips on his and then pull away.

"I'd be honored to!" I say and smile at him. He picks me up and spins me around

"Okay, be ready by 6:30pm tonight and I will come and pick you up. Wear something warm too!" I get out my phone to tell Keristen and Destinee that Corbin asked me out. Turns out that Blake and Jason asked them out and they said to wear something warm also and that they would pick the girls up at the same time... What are the boys planning...?


I know this is short but hey its an update... A couple of things.. I have a goal to reach for this chapter and I won't update until its reached.. I am not asking for much so please, as soon as the goal is reached I will update!

Goal:          10 votes 


See not that bad, and also I decided for the bet to have Blake have to get Destinee to fall in love with him and Jason has to get Keristen to fall in love with him! sorry about the change but that is how I would like it to play out from now on(:

This is going to honestly be the longest authors note I post, trust me.. but go comment and vote, like I said the sooner I reach my goal the sooner I will update(:


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