New friends

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Okay, I owe you guys an update, you have all been patient with me and updating and I just have been busy and school is starting up soon and I'm freaking out cause it's my senior year but I should I have more time to update.. depends on how much homework I have but I have had writers block and now I'm getting more ideas coming to me and I know how I want this story to go so I should be getting it back on track

Shout out and dedication to lovetoread_12 for the wonderful cover she made me! Go follow her and you won't  regret it! She is an amazing writer!mention a user

Shout out and dedication to lovetoread_12 for the wonderful cover she made me! Go follow her and you won't  regret it! She is an amazing writer!mention a user~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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"Adian, these are my friends Kiersten and Destinee"

"It's nice to meet you Adian, where are you from?" Kiersten asked. I could already tell that he will get along with the girls perfectly.

"I'm from Canada"

"So what brings you here?" Destinee asks

"Would you guys stop asking him all these questions? I get that you want to get to know him but he is trying to eat!" I tell them

"No its fine Abi, they are just curious" Adian tells me "My mom's job transfered her here so yeah, here we are, it's a change cause I left all my friends and I have to get used to this school, it's bigger than my old one"

"Ohhhhh okay, that makes sense" Kiersten says. The bell rings signaling it's time to go to class so we all stand up and go our separate ways.


Five more minutes until class gets out and then I can go home and watch Netflix! I sit there bored staring at the clock and realize how slow time is. It hasn't even been ---

"Abigal, do you know the answer?" Wait what?

"Umm, sorry what was the question?" I ask embarrassed

"Pay attention next time Miss Johnson" the bell rings meaning school is over for the day thank goodness! I walk to my locker and start putting my books and binder away and take out my bag when all of a sudden Adian pops out of no where

"You scared the crap out of me!!" I tell him as I punch his arm softly

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, anyways I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out!"

"Right now?"

"Yeah, I just thought we could go get some icecream or something"

"Yeah! Icecream would be great! I just have to be home by 5 to make dinner for my mom" I tell him while looking at my phone to see that it was 3:30pm and sent my mom a text telling her where I was going

"Okay! I will just follow you there since I still don't know my way around" he says while laughing

Oh. My. Gosh. His laugh is so adorable!!

"Thank you" he says while chuckling again.

"Ughh I said that outloud.. I meant to think it!" I say and then groan. Out of all things that had to of been said outloud it had to be that... I'm probably as red as a tomato right now. This is terrible

"It's not that bad, and you're not that red, just a little bit"

I groan "Why? Why does this happen to me? Why me?"

"Maybe it's because you're  cute" he tells me and then winks "Anyways we should probably get going" so we walk out to our cars and get in and take off to get icecream. Once we get there Adian, being a gentleman, opened the door for me and I walked in with him right on my tail and we went and sat at a little table

"Hey, my name is Sarah, and I'll be your waitress! What can I get for you?" She asks Adian. He turns to me.

"Abi, what do you want?"

"I'll get Chocolate chip cookie dough in a cup" I say and look at her and she just glares at me

"I'll get the same as my girl" he says smiling while looking at me and sends me a wink. The waitress gasps and struts off to place our order.

Such friendly service wouldn't you say?

"I'm not your girl so I have no idea why you said that plus we just met today." I told him

"I know, I just didn't want that her hitting on me anymore, did you not notice how much makeup she had on or was it just me?" Adian tells me in disgust.  "So what do you like to do?" he asked me.

"I read, I like archery, I like to go to David Archuleta concerts or Twenty One Pilots"

"Wait, have you met the members of Twenty One Pilots?!"

"Yep! Every single one!" I look at him and you could tell he is jealous "Are you a fan?" I ask him

"Who isn't!?" I look at him and I know just what to do. I pull out my phone and call up my aunt "Hey Aunt Winnie, I have a question for you!" I pause and let her talk "Could I get tickets to Twenty One Pilots next concert cause I know they are coming here soon" I pause again and look at Adain only to see him look shocked "Yeah, can I get two VIP tickets? I have a friend who is a huge fan and has never seen them in concert before"I pause again and look to see Adian is smiling widely at me. "Thank you Aunt Winnie!" I end the call and put my phone away.

"Are you serious?!? You are taking me to a Twenty One Pilots concert?!? Oh my gosh!! Thank you sooo much!!"

"Who says I was taking you?" I give him a pointed look.

"" I start laugh at his reaction

"I'm kidding, of course I'm taking you" I swear I could get abs from laughing this hard

"Ughh I hate you..." He tells me and gives me a grumpy look

"You can't hate me, I'm taking you to go see Twenty One Pilots"

"True, it's impossible for me to hate you anyways" I blush at his comment

"It's really easy actually.." I tell him though trailing off

"I honestly doubt it, but I'm not gonna argue cause I don't want to hate you" I just laugh

"So tell me about yourself" I tell him

"Well, I'm 17, my favorite color is purple, I have a little sister who is 7 and her name is Daisy, my favorite Twenty One Pilots song is House Of Gold"

"That's a good song! My favorite is Tear In My Heart"

"That's a good one, I must say!" Adian phone starts ringing and he checks it and he looks annoyed. "I've got take this, I'll be right back"

"Okay, I'll be here." I take out my phone and see that Kiersten had texted me asking if she could come over later so I responded telling her yes. Adian comes back looking annoyed and mad

"Abi, I've got to go, some stuff happened and I've got to go take care of it, I'll talk to you later"

"Okay, be safe" I tell him and he walks out. I wonder what could of possibly annoyed him that much.

So, I updated! I really hope you guys like it because I don't really know how I like it but oh well... please give me feedback on how this chapter is and if I need to change something or if I should add something. Please comment and vote, thanks!

Love y'all

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