Worst day possible..

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Okay I know this is exactly like the last chapter but I started writing it only to find out that I already sorta had this chapter but I was adding a lot of things into this one that the other one didn't have and I pretty much changed sorta a lot, so please read this one.. I'm just so off lately which is why i havent updated but I have the next chapter coming hopefully this week or maybe today, if my parents don't take my phone

btw, it's not edited

dedicated to my wonderful bestfriend  eritor002 thanks to her I got this done and realized my mistakes haha oops, love ya girl!!

My phone starts ringing with a unknown number and I know it probably isn't the best to answer but I did anyways

"Hi, am I speaking to Abigal?"

"Umm, who is this?" I asked

"You don't recognize your own father's voice? Now that's pathetic" my father sneered. Oh my gosh... This isn't good, nooo this isn't good, oh my gosh... oh my gosh....

"How did you get this number?"

"I have my resources" he tells me. "Don't you remember? I have eyes everywhere. I know where you guys are. Don't forget that." I hang up quickly and block the number.

"Hey mooomm!?!"

"Yes honey?"she says walking into my room

"Umm...." I avoided eye contact with her "He found us.." I trail off

"How? You haven't been on any social media, or gotten into any fights right?"

"No! I knew that if I were to he would of found us so I kept a low profile!" I tell her

"Have any of your friends taken pictures with you and maybe posted them?" I freeze... oh crap.. Corbin. I race to my phone and call him

"Hello" a deep voice answers

"Corbin, did you post those pictures of us on social media by any chance?"

"Yeah on facebook, why?"

"Corbin!!! You have to take those off now!!"

"Okay, I will, but why?" he asks

"Umm... It's personal.." I trail off

"Okay, they are off" I sigh in relief

"Thank you, I'll tell you why one day... just not right at the moment.. The memories are still to painful" I say looking at some scars from my dad

"That's okay, I can wait. I'm not one to push people into doing something they don't want to do" he told me

"Thank you, I'll talk to you later"

"No problem princess" I cringe at the nickname

"Can you plase not call me that?"

"Anything for you babe" I smile and blush at his comment but ughh what is with the pet names? We arent even together.. oh well.. "You're blushing aren't you?" He said to break me out of my thoughts. I blush even harder

"This is no fair!!" He just chuckles

"It's totally fair sweetheart" I blush at the nickname but I can pretty much picture him smirking

"Would you stop with the nicknames? Actually I'm going to go since I have to do chores. Talk to you later hun." and I hang up. Gosh, what is this boy doing to me? I get up and go take a shower. Once I'm done I put on a peach sundress and just blow-dry my hair until it's completely dry and just leave it down because my hair dries perfectly straight and I love it. I turn on David Archuleta and Beautiful comes on and I start singing to some of the parts.

  "You are beautiful, not matter what they say words can't bring you down" I love David Archuleta, my favorite song of his is Falling Stars! Oh my gosh that song is perfect!! I go to all of his concerts, I've met him everytime too! Yes, I know that's a lot of money but hey! What can I say? I love him, we'll not that way but as a friend I know him in person and I hang out with him sometimes when he isn't busy that is, which yeah, is really cool!

My stomach starts making noises so I go downstairs and grab some chocolate, and strawberries and cheese and cut the strawberries and cheese into small pieces and break the chocolate into small pieces and put all of the pieces into a bowl and head up to my room. I know what your thinking, that's gross! Welp, I like it so just deal with it. I login to wattpad on my phone and start reading. I do all of my reading on there unless I have to do a project on a non- fiction book then I have to read something else but other wise wattpad is amazing.

An hour later....

I finish my book and decide to put The fault in our stars. I love that movie but every one always asks why I don't cry because the movie is so sad, well I'm not an emotional person, like if I watch a movie where an animal dies I will cry, otherwise I won't unless in reality something bad happens to someone close or if I'm in really bad pain then I will but that's another story for another day.


HEYYYYYYY!!!! What's up children? lol okay so yeah the ending is pretty much the same but still, I changed some of it and this is wayyyyy better then the old chapter!!

Comment, vote and please please please give feed back!!

Love ya'll

Bree :)

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