My Kind of Perfect

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This wonderful unedited chapter is dedicated to Cookiecream38 because she encouraged me to write today and she has been a huge help and I thank her for that!

Somebody asked me if I knew you. A million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said I used to.

"Is she the one? Is it today? Will I turn the corner and see my future in her beautiful face?" ~David Archuleta, My Kind of Perfect


Abiagl's Pov

6:30pm comes around and Corbin should be here any second now 'knock knock' That must be him! I open the door and Corbin is standing there with a single rose in his hand.

"This is for you" and he hands the rose to me and I don't notice that I'm crying until Corbin says something "What's wrong?"

"Umm, it's nothing." I trail off "Please tell me Abi" I looked at him with tears in my eyes "My cousin committed suicide a couple of years back and she always had roses in her room.  They were her favorite. I know, you must think my life is so complicated.." I tell him. He pulls me into a hug and we stand there for a couple of minutes and then he pulls away "Not everyone is as strong as you. I mean, you stood up to me the first time you met me. No one has ever done that. Oh and If you want we can go on our date tomorrow night and we can just stay here and watch some movies..." I shake my head

"No, I still wanna go, we can do movies tomorrow night if you want though" he chuckles

"Okay, if that means I get to cuddle with you then alright!" I just laughed

"Sure, I guess, so now, where are you taking me?"

"That m'lady, is a surprise"

"Oh is it now?" I tease

"Yes, it is haha"

"Okay whatever"

"Wait you aren't going to try to guess?"

"Nope, I love surprises!" and I stay quiet till we get to where ever he is taking me. After driving for about a half an hour we finally get to a park and Corbin had set up lanterns and a picnic all set up.


"Do you like it?"

"Do I like it?!?! I'm speechless! This is amazing!!"

"Well, that's good, should we sit down and start eating? Or we can talk and then eat if you want"

"Um how about we eat and then talk?" I chuckle nervously

"Yeah, that's perfect!" We sit down and he pulls out a couple of sandwiches and some chocolate covered strawberries and a piece of chocolate cake, it's like he knows me so well, which is kinda creepy but oh well.

"I hope this is alright, I didn't know what you liked.." he says obviously nervous which is kinda cute

"No, this is totally fine! I love it!" We start eating and talking and before we realize it, it's almost 8:30 so we pack up and he takes me back home. We get out of the car and he walks me up to my door.

"I had a really good time tonight" I tell him

"I had a good time too! Would it be awkward if I kissed you?"

"Um, I kinda have this thing where I don't kiss on the first date it's not because my parents set the rule up, I used to not care but I'm trying to be a different person... sorry" I say as I look down nervously

"No, I totally get it and I respect that, it's the worth the wait!" he says and smiles. I give him and hug and go inside and watch him pull away. I go up to my room and make a three way call with Destinee and Keristen and find out how their dates went.

"So Des, what did you two do?!?"

"Well, Blake took me ice skating and then we got hot chocolate and he made up the excuse that I had something on my mouth and kissed me and it was wonderful!!"

"What about you Keirs?"

"OH MY GOSH!!!! I HAD THE BEST TIME!!!" she squeals, Des and I just laugh at her

"Okay, so what did you do since it was soooo amazing?" Des asks

"So Jason took me to a cute little restaurant and then we went on a walk and he took me to see the sunset with the most amazing view but he wasn't watching that he kept watching me and I caught him and looked over at him and then we stared at each other for a little bit and he started to lean in and then I did the same and he kissed me and it was amazinggggg!!!" I think I just might go deaf by the time our call is over

"What about you Abi? How was your date? What did you guys do??" the girls asked me

"Well, he came and picked me up but he brought me a rose and I started crying because that was my cousin's favorite flower until she committed suicide a couple of years ago" cue the awes

"Then he asked me if I still wanted to do the date and I told him yes so we went out and drove for half an hour until we got to this cute little abandoned park and there were lanterns set up and a cute little picnic set up and it was just perfect! And for food he brought sandwiches and chocolate covered strawberries and then a piece of chocolate cake that we both shared and it was perfect and so cute!!!"

"AWEEE" they squeal to the point where I have to pull my phone away from my ear "THAT IS SOOOO CUTE!! You guys are goals!" Keristen tell me

"Hun, we aren't even together and remember the plan? He is obviously trying to get me to fall for him and the same for you guys. They wanted the dates to be perfect so we would fall for them don't you get it?" They agree

"We are going to go to school tomorrow and the boys are going to try to talk to us and all we are going to do is ignore them or walk away. We can't let the plan fail, but if one of them is truly changing and we all agree that we will stop the plan, agreed?" I asked them.

"Agreed" they both answered

"Well I have to go, we have school tomorrow so get some sleep girls" we said our goodbyes and hung up. I decided to go shower and then go to bed so that is what I did. After I got down and got dressed and everything I checked my phone one last time and I saw that I had one text from an unknown number it said 'Well, looks like you had fun with your little boyfriend. Better watch your back Abigal I have eyes everywhere' I stare at the message confused. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight.


Well would you look at that! I actually updated today! Yay for me I guess. I say this is longer then any of the other chapters and that was my goal but I was running on a short amount of time today and I was supposed to be sleeping and resting instead because I had to stay home sick and I had nothing to do like literally nothing but I decided that today was a perfect day to update don't you think? You all have waited long enough for this update so here ya go! Please comment and vote and just let me know how I'm doing on this, I know it seems a little rushed, but it isn't I promise a lot more to come!! :) Thanks! I love you all my darlings!! Feel special that I love you guys more then going back to sleep!!


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