Well that was just perfect...

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Okay, so I'm sorry , I've been really lazy on updating and I've been busy dealing with my friends and I lost a friend and then got him back and plus I asked my crush out on a date and he said yes but now he is leaving for two years and i domt even get so say goodbye so I'm really mad about that... so I dealt with that and a couple of other personal things not to mention my knee has been acting up and I have no idea what is wrong with it... and now I'm going to stop rambling haha

But anyways here is the next chapter for ya!

I walk up into school the next day and I see some girl all over Corbin. I walk up to them and pull her off of him.

"Who the heck are you?" I ask her

"Shelby, and you are?" Not like you care I thought

"Abigal, why?"

"Oh, so you're the new girl? Well, you better keep your hands off of Corbin or else your pretty little secret will be told to the whole school" Shelby threatened me

"What secret? I'm an open book?"

"I know all about your daddy problems Abi" she whispers in my ear

"And? Does it look I care?" I laugh at her and she looks confused "You're all bark but no bite" I walk off but turn back so see Corbin's reaction. He looked concerned but I didn't care. He can go mess with his new play toy for all I care. That's all girls are to him. I turned the corner with tears in my eyes and I bump into someone

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" I say and then look up to see Jason

"It's okay Abi"

"I'm such an idiot" I muttered and tears start pouring out

"What's wrong?" I stay as silent as possible while trying not to cry "Let me guess, Corbin?" I nod "You have to realize that he is a player, he always has been"

"I know.. what's the most he has ever done for a girl though? I ask

"Well, he took you on a date and that's never happened to another girl" I looked at Jason shocked


"Corbin usually just goes through girl after girl after girl, where as he actually put together a date for you"

"Oh.. interesting.." I trail off

"Yeah, well, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" We walked into the girls bathroom, yes, Jason walked in too, no he doesn't care. I look into the mirror to see that my eyes were red and puffy and my mascara was streaked down my cheeks. I turned to Jason.

"Why didn't you tell me I looked like a clown?!?" He chuckled

"You mean a cute clown." I blushed at his comment

"No! I look hideous!" I took out my makeup bag and make-up remover wipes. Before you start thinking, no I don't wear a lot of make-up, I just wear mascara, sometimes coverup and eyeshadow and lip gloss, that's all. I start wiping the make-up off and quickly redo it

"And here I thought this was going to take about half an hour maybe forty-five minutes" Jason told me impressed

"Haha yeah, you're funny. I'm not like most girls"

"Yeah, I can tell" he laughed

"Thank you for helping me Jason"

"Anytime Abi, I'm gonna head to class, I'll talk to you later" Jason told me and walked out. I decided not to go to class because I have that class with Corbin so I just stayed in the bathroom and checked my phone. I totally forgot about Destinee and Keristen this morning because I was too busy doing that crap with Shelby, so it doesn't surprise me that they spammed my phone with texts and missed calls and I'm certainly not surprised to see Corbin has done the same thing. Not that I am going to answer him, but I did answer to Destinee and Keristen telling them everything was okay and that'd I would see them at lunch. The bell rings and I walk out of the bathroom.

"Abigal!" A voice called. I recognized it and I walked faster but he caught my wrist

"Abi, can we please talk? Nothing happened this morning" Corbin tells me

"You know? That's what they all say" I tell him as I yank my hand out of his grasp and walk into my next class.

I go to sit down in my seat and I see a cute new kid sitting in my seat. He has short blonde hair neatly style and bright blue eyes.

"Hey! I'm Abigal, but you can call me Abi!" I hold out my hand for him to shake it

"I'm Aidan, nice to meet you" he grabs my hand and shakes it and I see a little bit of pink on his cheeks. I laugh

"What are you laughing at?" He wonders

"You're blushing" I laugh some more as his cheeks get more pink

"Oh... well it's not everyday a beautiful girl comes up to talk to me" it was my turn to blush

"You're not too bad yourself" I told him with a wink. "Would you like to eat lunch with my friends and I?" I asked him

"Sure, why not! It will be good to make some friends on my first day" he jokes
Okay, yes I know it's short but I updated!!! I will try to make the next chapter longer but no promise

Please comment and vote I really appreciate all of your guys support and being patient with me. I love you all my beautiful children

Comment or pm me if you have any questions (:

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