Start of the plan

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New update!!(: Merry Christmas!!(:

Abigal's Pov


I really hate players but I know how to beat them at their own game. That's the perks of dating the guys at my old school

"What are Corbin's friends names?" I ask Destinee.

"The blonde is Blake, and the one with brown hair is Jason, why?"

"It's time for them to get a taste of their own medicine" I tell her.

"Oooh! I wanna help!"

"Okay here's the plan..."

After School

"Hey wanna come over after school and then we can go shopping for what we need for the plan?" I ask Destinee.

"Yeah, sure" she replies excitedly

"Ok, which boy do you want?"

"Definitely Blake, I've kinda had something for him for a little while but I never show my true feelings cause they are such butt heads."

"Ok, do you know someone who would want to help but would go after Jason?" I ask her

"Yeah, I know the perfect person!!" Destinee pulls out her phone and calls someone.

"Hey Keristen, wanna help get revenge on someone?" there was a pause and then Destinee started talking again

"Okay, meet us in the mall by Rue 21 in 20 minutes. Ok see you there, bye" She puts her phone away and smiles at me

"She's in, lets head to the mall!" and she drags me to the parking lot and into her car. Once we get to the mall we walk in and walk to Rue 21 where Destinee saw Keristen.

"Hey, I'm Abigal, and you must be Keristen" I tell her

"Yeah, you're the girl who stood up to Corbin right?"

"Yep, that's me" I say smiling

"It's about time someone gives him a taste of his own medicine! I already love you!" she laughs "We will get along easily!"

"Good, I could use another friend" I tell her smiling

"Okay, lets start shopping"

"Oh and Keristen, here's what the plan is..."


After we got all the stuff we went to my house to plan out what we would do what day.

"So we have to get each of the boys to fall know love with us but who ever can get the guy to tell you he loves you first wins,  but if one of us starts catching feelings for one of them we have to stop."

"Okay, sounds like a plan" both Destinee and Keristen say.


Sorry its short but hey it's something!(:

Comment and vote please!(: Thanks


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