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Hey look another update!! I am updating more on this book then my other one, but I hope you like it!

In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take


At school the next day all three of us walk in looking really good and we knew that every guy we walked past couldn't take his eyes off of us. We walk to my locker and I open it and Destinee, Keristen, and I start talking when Corbin, Blake and Jason walk up to us. Corbin walks up to me, Blake goes up to Destinee and Jason walks up to Keristen. Just as I was hoping.  Stage one. Get them to notice us. Done.

"Hey babe" Corbin says

"I'm not your babe. So back off and go talk to some other hoe."

"Abigal, are you okay? All I said was hey."

"And? Who said I even wanted to talk to you?" I say smirking and walk away with Destinee and Keristen following.

Once we are outside I pull the girls behind a wall "We need to up the plan a little bit."

"Yeah, I agree. The boys are trying to hit on us and we just have to go with what we get." Keristen says. The bell rings to go to class but Corbin walked up to me for the second time this morning and pulled me onto the field. I was going to be late for sure now.

"What do you want?" I ask him

"You" he said with a smirk

"Ha ha very funny. You know that won't ever happen "

"You say that now, but baby you won't be saying that when you are screaming my name" he says with a wink. I give him a disgusted look.

"The only screaming I'll be doing is while I'm trying to get away from you." I look past him and see someone walking up to us.

"Abi, baby! Where have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you!" My ex says and pulls me in for a kiss but I quickly jump back.

"I moved, now leave!" Jake grabs my wrist with a tight grip and yanks me away from Corbin but Corbin grabs my other arm and pulls me back so I am now behind him

"Yeah, that's what your dad was thinking and I guess he was right." Jake stated

"What were you doing talking to my dad?!"

"Actually, he came to me and asked if I knew where you were."

"You have no right!"

"I have every right you little slut." And he smacks me

"Woah, wait a minute! You can't just come here and smack her!" He turns to me "Are you alright?

"Yeah, I'll be fine"

"Who do you think you are?" Jake asked Corbin

"My boyfriend, now leave Jake and go back to where you came from!"

"I'm your boyfriend! You can't possibly be dating him too."

"1. I broke up with you. 2. We were done officially the day I moved." I state

"Kiss him then" Jake tells me

"Ok" I grab Corbin by his shirt and kiss him. He stans there in shock but then kisses me back for a little bit and I pull away.

"Now, you have the proof, you can leave now" I say as Corbin smirks. Jake looks stunned but quickly recovers "Watch it. He won't always have your back." And walks off

"What was that, and who was he?"Corbin asks me

"Oh, yeah sorry about that.... um.. he was my ex.. he um... nevermind.." I trail off and turn to walk away but Corbin pulls me back and crushes his lips back to mine and our lips move in synch. His lips are so pink and soft and fit perfectly on mine, and they taste like mint. I could just kiss him all day! He pulls away again and I just stand there in a daze.


"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow night" Corbin says with a smile on his face.


Cliffhanger!!! I know I am so mean! What do you think she will say??? Sorry it's short but hey, I did update!(:

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