Part 7: Truce - It.

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It really didnt feel so bad, to have a little peace after danger and fights, there are times when even the most cruel and inhuman person requires a moment of peace, either to think, rest, or just enjoy.

The conqueror of worlds, Vilgax, a being feared by those who knew his name, a loyal and powerful ruler, also required breaks, some forget that he is a living being, with a physical body with limits, he was powerful yes, but he is not a machine

That night, he had had another moment shared with the little human, whom he called an enemy, appearances can be deceiving, they say, in this case it was true, the little one had managed to escape and defeat the mighty giant, and this being ,so terrifying that with his presence he malde everyone shake.. had started to experience feelings ..

He himself had said:

"showing many emotions is only showing weakness, if you are emotional you will only be more prone to being defeated .. emotions are a distraction, only action and rational thought should be in charge"

That was his rule, it had always been ... until that day. The beginning of the day had already been full of questions to answer, doubts .. ideas, but now .. he was getting used to those ideas and doubts ..

He had thought about the similarities they both shared .. now the alliance .. and a promise. He had gotten used to suppressing emotions in order to think clearly, attack and defend himself better .. even if there were times when his anger was more powerful than his rationality .. he knew how to suppress desires and aspirations that did not go according to plan .. but that boy had made him change, remember when he used to combine feeling with power and skill .. when each battle seemed unique, his thirst for blood was linked to a feeling of greatness, power and respect ..

Over the years however, he learned to control himself, to be a wise warrior, a wise conqueror and a wise Sovereign, yet that rebel flame was still inside, a fury that came out in every battle with the little aspiring hero.

He would never say it out loud, and even despite all the annoyances, he saw in the young hope, he saw true heroism, the young human really had noble motives ... even so, for the Conqueror of worlds, he was still not worthy of such power, especially without a mentor, without training ... and still too young for such a responsibility ...

A few soft but long yawns brought him out of his thoughts, the young human was sitting, rubbing his face, but something looked wrong, he was a little paler, he was trembling even without wind, in fact, the day had dawned warm .. but still like this .. Ben was cold, very cold ..

He could see it and feel it once his big palm was on the young man's forehead, to his misfortune his theory was true.

"Are you Sick" it was not a question or clarification, it was a fact tho no one in particular, the alien stood up, he supposed that the wet clothes along with the cold from the previous night had affected his immune system. Humans, strong in spirit, weak in body ... he laughed to himself, it didn't help that the young man was not eating properly, before he could move, he held the bag with the food, as he expected, nothing healthy for the boy to eat.

"Don't move, I'll be back" He mentioned without looking at him, he moved his tentacles into the bag, taking that device that the young man enjoyed so much, and threw it at him, it was not abrupt, nor strong, but without much care, what he did pissing off Ben who took the device so lovingly that it was even funny.

Without complaining, he leaned back, he didn't know why Vilgax allowed him to stay on the.. floor longer, but he wouldn't refuse the comfort of rest, also, he really didn't have any energy to move, he was sore, very sore ... . and very sad, almost 7 days away from his family, Vilgax maybe took care of his back, and gave him support one night, but ... he still felt a little fear, he felt abandoned in a certain way, he missed his grandfather's hugs every time he felt sick, his breakfasts full of love, the comfort of the Ban .. inadvertently he was shedding tears on the screen, luckily his former enemy was not there to see him cry ..

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