Part 3: Fall and wait - the way

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The rays of the sun began to appear, calmly and softly. The conqueror hadn't closed his eyes all night, accustomed to keeping the guard up all the time, it didn't turn out to be a problem, in fact. It was relaxing to be able to have a few hours of calm, the absolute silence was something that he got unused to over the years, the darkness was a relief for his eyes accustomed to watching screens and lights everywhere.

When the color of the sky changed he looked at the human who was still lying down, still wounded by the battle, but improving little by little .. he notice that Ben began to complain even in a dream and then sat down, turning his back, seemed to make a strange soft and long sound before rubbing his eyes, soon covered his stomach to cause another sound more severe

It was obvious ... the boy is hungry, but Vilgax is still very angry with him to even worry, when he noticed that he was wide awake he stood up

"We have to leave" his tone was serious, less angry but still disgusted.

Ben turned to see him confused, he understood quickly that with Vilgax, there will be no breakfasts .. with luck he could get something while they walked, he snorted and stood up following his enemy

Once inside the thick forest Ben took out his cell phone to see the map

"It says that there is ... em .. move to the right ..! no .. wait yes, no right no..ehh "

His growl was almost a snort of frustration "you can't read a map. is n't it? "He looked at his side, Ben was looking at him angry but also nervous

"Of course I know! I just got confused! geez! "he snorted and looked again at his cell phone, then stopped and turned it like a steering wheel to the sides. It was very obvious, the boy has no idea, how hard can it be to read a human map? Since they are very simplistic, it was to be expected that a record of their territories should be simple in the eyes of anyone ... then why can't he see it? Did they not teach him? or only, as his erratic and impulsive attitude showed, he just ignored the explanations and now they paid BOTH the consequences.

Ben could feel the gaze of his enemy nailed to him, more and more angry and he ... increasingly nervous, tried to find a way to read the map better, before vilgax took the communication device from his hands yelled " READY I HAVE IT "with joy

"I know where, here" began to walk with his eyes on the screen when grunting stopped him

"What did i say?!"

The young hero looked at his enemy, he soon realized and laughed slightly "only way forward, how bad-"

"I will not let you stand in front of me at all" he growled again, as ruler and leader of an army and nine worlds, he was used to walking in front of everyone, always being the first, who gave the face and whom they should obey, even children chimera sui genesi respected him and worshiped him, so enduring more disrespect on the part of the earthling was unthinkable.

Ben really didn't understand why so much scandal, as he is walking forward! but ... he's still not in a position to fight ... so despite himself he should let him win this time ... but he will not lower his head again ..

Vilgax led the way and again asked for the coordinates, Ben did his best to be clear .. but soon his hunger didn't let him think well, they had walked for two hours, and in that time he didn't get anything to eat .. he soon returned To complain

"I'm hungry!" He exclaimed angrily as he stopped, vilgax ignored him

"Hey! squid face! I said I'm hungry! I will not walk anymore "there was no response.

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