part 6: understandings- true alliance

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Incessant rain, strong but stable, no danger is felt nearby, only a constant noise like a cut signal, in a solitude out of threat.

An enemy in his arms, doubts still in his mind, maybe it was time to analyze certain things that he should have missed, but they never left and now more than before they hit the walls of his mind ..

From the beginning something was wrong with that place, despite the fact that it has known terrible and inhospitable places. The earth was always classified as simple and harmless, underdeveloped technology, a calm environment .. Why this area was so dangerous, maybe the earth Could it really be more than just boring?

In his years watching planets, he only hear cries when they don't surrender at his feet, he only hear you beg while looking at those condemned, but ... That instant, without any visible creature, the tears were heartbreaking, only a horrible torture would be an answer to such desperate whines for salvation, but there was nothing .. He didn't see another human .. But if traces.

He remembered the camp, the food and the vehicle, at one time there was someone .. At first he thought of wild animals, but that simple but strong, small trap (for that reason neither Diamond or Four Arms, even with force, failed to break such a small rope with giant hands) was adrift, hidden .. and abandoned without a trace of violence, someone didn't take precaution, and fell into the dark trap of the sector ..

There is something in that place, it knows of giant creatures that camouflage themselves .. Or they use hooks .. He hates the idea, but He fell into a trap designed by an animal .. Animal that ..  torture them ?, only a creature with a mind of its own and intelligence would do something like this, perhaps there is a being with a marauding consciousness ... hungry for suffering.

If so, he should be more cautious, he noticed that he had moved the sleeping hero closer to him by thinking about all this ..

There is still this issue, this new feeling of protection .. It doesn't make sense, this human burned his body, mocked, and managed to flee from him, something that nobody had done ..

Now that he thinks about it, the others were weak, they didn't count on such an advantage as the omnitrix .. And .. He will never admit that the determination of the boy, his unique form of struggle .. He reminds himself, in the academy, always arguing how the training was pathetic, incorrect, he saw no advantage of winning in these techniques, so he decided to train more strongly and more aggressively, the determination to fight and win, no matter what, reminds him of his first experiences outside his planet , using everything in his favor, always looking to do, think fast, his only motivation was to succeed in rubbing his victory against others, as the does hero ..

Now that he thinks about it ... Gax really was part of him, not only in genetics, he felt that the boy followed the steps that he once did as a young man, only that it wasn't so absurd .. Destroying everything without reason? There are better ways to prove such strength and dexterity ..

Perhaps it is such actions that make him have a little respect for him human, perhaps forgive his life once he managed to remove the omnitrix ..

Sigh, He must still maintain his posture, turn to see it again, it is still wet, but it seems that it managed to create an appropriate temperature to keep it stable ..

The little hero's head rests comfortably on his big arm .. Why he wants to touch his hair?

He looked at the sky, it's getting better, at dawn again, he left the boy on the floor again so that he didn't wake up, but surprisingly he did a few minutes later, his body trembled with lack of warmth and comfort, Ben woke up, sat down , yawned and hugged himself trembling.

There was wind, maybe his wet clothes made him cold, Vilgax doesn't know how to help him, maybe they consign something traveling ... he knows that he must keep it in good condition if he wants to make the trip faster, and less laborious, he doesn't know what will be his reactions will be with the boy ..

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