no more chapters

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Hello! First of all, Im sorry for the long wait for the last two chapters of this story, because yes, this story would only have 10 parts, but because I am busy with commissions and the fact that I no longer have interest in this story, Im going to have to end here.

Although my lack of interest occurred in chapter 6, I decided to continue for you, because I received some messages on other accounts about how much some poeple liked it.

Unfortunately I can no longer force myself to follow something that doesn't interest me, I have other stories to tell, other ideas from other fandoms, but not from Ben 10 anymore.

Although I still have affection, I no longer have inspiration for this, so I put an end to it right here, ah! but I will not leave you without knowing what would follow! Although surely the climax is not surprising by any means but even so I think it would be good to show what I had written for the last chapters.


-Cap 9-

At night, Something attacks Vil, Ben still weak knows that he must defend him, but the beast finally shows himself, Ben is terrified, he is a child, but Vil tries to make him react, it is when the octopus is thrown that Ben becomes Something useful, he attacks the beast, they battle a bit, the beast decides to leave, Ben still in shock sees him go, then he goes for Vil, who is fine but decides to respect the earth a little from now on.

-chap 10-

In the morning, they arrive at the ship, there is a strange feeling, sadness, Vil knows that he will not be able to fight with Ben as before, Ben laments for not being able to reach a deal with Vil, he is still young to know how to do it.

Vil decides to give him a deactivated drone, activates it and decides to let him go, with the promise that in his next battle, he wants to fight a hero, not a child, Ben promises, he knows that Vil is still bad, but now he respects him, because despite everything, that tyrant has rules and standards.


And so it would end, I have been a fan of Ben 10 for years, and I always noticed that Vilgax has its own rules, in some adaptations even standards that very few understand, but this whole story is far from the cannon, so everything written is just one absurd idea that I had years ago. if anyone wants to follow this, you are free to do so! if you are going to use some of my images, give credit!

And there is no more to say! I struggled a lot in how to say that I will not follow the story and I think this is the best answer I can give.

have a very good day!

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