Part 2: Fall and wait - the truce

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The storm doesn't seem to calm down, it roars and destroys everything in its path, the drone soon got lost in its circle of deadly wind .. who would say it, such a petty and insignificant planet can turn into a deadly trap, in the end, all the planets have their surprises

Vilgax managed to calm down much faster than the human child, his training wasn't only to keep him strong and fast, but also able to control himself better ... to not lose control as he had done before with the child ... that reminds him. .

He looked at his side, Ben was trying to calm down, still very weak and hurt, helpless, an easy prey, the tyrant moved his claws towards him, hitting him on the ground, then lifting him from his clothes "the fight is not over yet" he growled in the face of the little one.

Ben for his part tried to escape "what are you talking about ?! You have nothing! You can't take my watch off without your terrifying machines!" he complained angrily, he doesn't expect the alien to cut his arm with his lazer beam ... despite how animal he was (to the child's eyes) the warlord seems to be very cautious, organized and always attached to a plan so the idea that he only cut him off in the wild and without any protocol was strange.

Ben completely guessed the problem that Alien squid saw, it was obvious that he wouldn't cut off his arm ... he can be cruel but when he should be, never without sufficient reason, a lack of respect, a breach of orders, rebellion in his counter and provocation were part of the reasons why he would be ruthless.

Even if the boy had been disrespectful and arrogant towards him, he takes into account that he is just a minor and believes that he has already given him his due in the fights they have had on that day ..

"I never said I would take it away now, I still have to remind you who's in charge!" and with this he threw the body towards the rocky wall, it seems that the cave was very deep! , vilgax had to walk towards the badly wounded boy for several minutes until he saw him on the ground, trembling but still looking with determination, before he could change, he held his arm with so desired artifact, the moment was completed with a strong thunder in the background, scaring both ..

Not even Vilgax expected to hear it even in the depths of the cave

Even with its claws on the device, the human managed to change form, Stinkfly and get away as much as he could "what are you talking about ?! I'll win again!" with this he threw his green slime at the face of the conqueror, and soon, attacked with his tail, their fight lasted much less than they expected, Ben knew he couldn't last much longer under those conditions,

"Wait! Listen!" The little one shouted when the Alien was about to hit him on the ground holding him by his tail. With eyes as red as Rubies full of hate, Vilgax decided to listen to the little boy's prayers.

"If you win me, what do you plan to do next ?! You're lost! You have nothing to guide you! I have this!" the boy showed his cell phone, a very primitive device in the eyes of technological genius but apparently useful for this situation

"And I doubt you know how to use one of these old ... squid!" the last sentence made the conquistador more angry, who threw the child to the ground after removing the device he had shown.

"Even with everything against your favor you are still so arrogant, I really don't know if you are very brave or very stupid," the conqueror growled and looked at the device, which was too small, even when transforming its claws into tentacles, it became almost impossible to handle the artifact.

The scene of seeing the Conqueror of worlds trying to start the cell phone was something too unreal and funny, as with its big tentacles it tries to keep the screen on, pressing the button off while holding it, grunting stooping, too funny, the warlord looked at the boy laughing at him, getting more angry

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