Part 4: understandings - the change

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Ben had nightmares, he wasn't yet used to spending so much time away from his family, still in danger with his enemy, even if there was a pact, Vilgax doesn't seem the kind of person who respects rules, much less if they put him in a bitter situation .

He woke up a little agitated, but managed to calm down quickly, he noticed that it was dawning .. he also noticed a couple of objects from the owner of the tent ... a portable game console, warm clothes, some magazines, a backpack and a box with medicine . He only took the game and the clothes .. he felt it was cold and he only has a summer shirt, it was obvious that the clothes would be big, but he was surprised that it didn't reach the feets, he could use it comfortably.

He came out with the backpack ready to store more things, he faced the icy wind of the place, quickly kept the food and first aid box, and looked for his enemy .. It wasn't in sight and that was strange .. wouldn't  he watch ?. the car isn't there.. did he leave it? Did he also find useful objects? and if he found a map and decided to abandon it? ... for some reason Vilgax always finds him so that if he had left, it wouldn't have been difficult to find him in the forest with his machines ... but then ... why leave him in such a dangerous place? he was the one who said that without his help he would be dead ..

The idea of being alone scared him, even with his aliens he couldn't survive much even in the day, he felt afraid, he didn't feel that way since he got lost in the supermarket, he decided to fill up his courage and walk to the forest but ..

Tire noises made him look aside, Vilgax! He had returned! He had a big bag. He looked at the hero calmly and began to repair the car

Ben ran to the annoying "where were you ?!"

The conquistador looked at him confused ".. why are you asking?"

"Weren't You going to take care of me? what if a wolf ate me while I was sleeping ?! "His tone was more annoying, the fear left his body, but still he was still grateful to see him? what?

"Nothing is around, I checked before leaving, now shut up and get away. I have to work "he moved his claws towards the boy remarking that he doesn't want him near

"..on what?" Ben walked closer, looking inside the bag, mechanical parts?

Vilgax sighed ... but it didn't bother him much to say what he would do. "I'm going to improve this vehicle, I can't stand using something so primitive and stupid, the speed is less than desirable, and it doesn't seem capable for this terrain."

Ben didn't say anything, it was true! so he moved away from the villain .. that for 2 days seemed more like a Killjoy partner.

"Well, while I'm waiting I'm going to eat something ... don' leave without me, again" he joked.

No answer, he didn't care, he decided to eat another sandwich and a bit of soda for breakfast, something he always wanted but never left, until now .. now he thinks about it, he can eat sweets too! everything he wants!

While giving a great festing, Vilgax made great improvements to the vehicle. Even in deplorable conditions, without his necessary machinery, he managed to do a good job, in about 2 hours he was ready, he turned to see the human enjoying the food. It was strange ... he looked very happy .. when hours ago he seemed to be close to tears .. maybe if he was strong in spirit ... he had the soul of a hero .. resistant even in such difficult and uncomfortable situations.

but also ... it was the first time he saw the boy so full of joy .. in all the time he has seen him ... he only knew his arrogant and annoying facet .. now .. he sees him smiling and that ... doesn't bother him .. he refers it like that... at least it wouldn't be very annoying .. "we must go" he said in a calm tone as he climbed into the car, now larger, taller for having larger and harder wheels, and more comfortable chairs.

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