
839 21 1

warnings: nope just fluff, playfulness

Five woke up to an empty bed and a blizzard outside his window. It was freezing in his room, and a closer inspection of his closet revealed his jacket missing.

"Dammit Y/N," he muttered, changing into his daily clothes (minus the jacket) before heading downstairs to find you.

The house was silent. Empty. Ominous. His footsteps echoed in a curious manner as he descended the stairs, casting a glance around when he entered the living room.

It was empty and silent. The couch cushions weren't even out of place, meaning you hadn't even come in and sat down. Where is Y/N?

Suddenly, a pair of hands clamped down over his eyes. "Gueeeeeeesssssss what!" you squealed, laughing as Five tried to twist out of your grasp.

"Y/N I can't see-"

You removed your hands and instead resorted to pulling him into a warm hug from behind, resting your chin on his shoulder with your head on his chest. "Ready?"

"For wha-" But you had already covered his eyes again, walking behind him, leading him somewhere.

"You need to see something!"

He sighed. He knew he should have been admirable of your enthusiasm, happy that you were so energetic, but God, it was too early. He hadn't even had his coffee yet. "If it's the snow, I've already seen it."

"Shush," you told him, dropping your head against his for a split second as you entered the kitchen. "You'll ruin the surprise."

He sighed again, but decided to let you have your fun.

"Alright, ready?" you said, fingers tapping against his eyelids. He flinched.


"Right, sorry." You stopped, and he could practically see you grinning. "Okay, three, two ... one!"

You stepped back and Five's eyes fluttered open. Sure enough, you'd brought him to the window in the kitchen, the window that looked out over the street and the flakes of snow steadily falling from the sky.

"I told you I'd already ... ." But he trailed off when he saw you standing next to him.

You were mesmerized by the sight. Your parents had always despised the cold, the snow, locking themselves (and you) away in the house when it was cold, lighting a fire and cozying up in blankets, refusing to let you outside. You'd seldom played in the snow as a child. Had seldom seen the snow, falling like this from the sky like tears of an angel.

Five's eyes were locked on the way your eyelashes fluttered when you blinked, your eyes glued to the outdoors. Your mouth was parted slightly in an amazed smile as you took in the sight.

All Five wanted to do was hug you. Hug you and never let you go.

He'd never felt like this before ... .

"Let's go outside," he suddenly said, surprising even himself.

You turned to him in shock. "What?"

"Let's go outside, go for a walk." A smile spread across his own face as the adorable grin on your lips. "Then we can come back here and just ... relax."

He could see your gears whirring, wondering why he had said what he'd said. Because I love you. That's why I said it. But all you said was "Yes! Let's go get dressed."

That's when he remembered you were wearing his jacket. He opened his mouth to tell you, but you were already gone, up the stairs. He cleared his throat and slowly followed you. "You wear it better anyway," he muttered.

Five Hargreeves x Reader (Oneshots and Headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now