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Warnings: ok so this has a little more substance: angst, minor cussing, fluffy ending <3

"What the hell are you doing?" Five asked tensely as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"You seem sad," you said quietly, staring at the words on the pages of the book he was reading. "So I'm trying to cheer you up."

He closed the book and stood up, tossing it to the side and walking away from you. "Just leave me alone," he said aloud, though inwardly he was sighing, Wish she would stop leading me on like this.

"What's wrong?" You persisted, leaning forward and resting your elbows on your knees, your chin in your hands. "I came in here after I heard shouting, and you were sitting on your bed, reading with a reddened face. Who were you screaming at?"

He glared at you. "Why do you watch me so closely?"

You shrugged, feeling your own face flush. "You're my best friend, I need to make sure you're okay."

"I can take care of myself, you know," he shot back, straightening his jacket and running a hand through his hair. "I'm-"

"Older than you look, I know," you finished drily. Why is he being like this? "Seriously love, what's wrong?"

The nickname is what put him overboard. "Dammit Y/N! Why can't you just leave me be?! Haven't you realized I don't need you?! I'll never need you! I've worked alone for decades, you'd just be another useless add on!"

"I'm just trying to help-"

"Well you're not! Just stay out of this, stay out of my business! You're just screwing things up!"


But he was too angry to be reached now. "Just leave me be, Y/N! You're always in the way, no matter how much you think you're helping!"

With that, he left his room, too angry to teleport and instead marching down the stairs and slamming the door behind him.

You sat there on his bed in shock. Sure, Five had said mean things in the past, and sure he was usually pretty independant and irritable, but this was a whole new level. He'd never gone off on you like that, you realized as tears began to brim in your eyes. I hope he never does again.


After hours spent wandering the street until his anger wore off, Five returned back to the Academy. In hindsight, he hated that he had yelled at you the way he had, but there was nothing he could about it now (since apologizing wasn't in his vocabulary).

Hopefully she's asleep or ... not here. He swallowed and jumped inside.

The living room was empty, bottles of scotch tipped onto their sides at the bar. Klaus was here.

Nobody in the hallways.

Nobody on the stairs.

Doors all closed.

She must be gone, he thought with a breath of relief as he went to his door. Thank-

His thoughts broke off when he saw you curled up in his bed.

Even though he'd never admit it, it was probably the cutest - and the saddest - thing he'd ever seen. You were curled up under the covers, one of Five's extra sweater-vests in your arms. Your hair was in loose curls around your face, frizzed up from all of the tossing and turning you'd been doing, and your face was red but calm. Teardrops clung to your eyelashes. It made Five's heart flutter and sink at the same time, because it was his fault that you were curled up, having cried yourself to sleep.

Then again, it was also his sweater that you were hugging.

He closed the door and went over to you, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, being careful not to disturb you. He couldn't help but think you were absolutely adorable while you were sleeping ... . Shut up, stupid. She doesn't like you the way you like her.

But watching you snuggle closer to his sweater made him think twice.

Maybe she does ... ? No, stop it, you're just getting your hopes up. Decades of loneliness, nobody even loved me before I jumped to the future, why would they love me now? My own siblings barely love me.

Suddenly, you blearily opened your eyes. "Five? What're you doing here? I-I thought you left."

He swallowed and quickly looked away. Right. I was mad. But he didn't have the heart to yell at you or even be frustrated. It would break both your hearts.

"Yeah, I did. I'm back now. Obviously."

You sat up and ran a hand through your hair, leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Don't apologize," he said quickly, not meeting your eyes. "It was me. Not you."

You stared at him for a moment, then smiled, knowing that that was the closet thing to an apology that he'd ever stutter out. "Thanks."

He risked a glance at you, and when he saw you smiling, his heart lifted slightly. "No problem."

The two of you sat in silence for a while. Then he patted the space closer toy you and said, "C'mere, cuddle. We're friends again, aren't we?"

"Friends don't cuddle, Y/N," he said doubtfully.

You rolled your eyes and moved closer to him so that your shoulders were pressed together. "I know you want cuddles, so shut up."

And he did, though he didn't relax at your touch. All he could think about was how close your face was to his, how easy it would be to tell you how he felt ... No, don't be stupid. She'll just reject you. You'll ruin an otherwise great night, cuddling with your best friend.

Not that he was doing much cuddling.

Your eyes drifted to his lips, pressed tightly together and obviously holding in a lot of emotions. Before you knew it, you were inching closer to him ... and when he turned his head to look at you you pressed your lips to his and closed your eyes.

Five was positive his heart stopped beating when he felt your lips against his. His eyelashes fluttered against your face for a moment as he froze, then closed his eyes and kissed you back, one thought overwhelming him completely:

She likes me.

Five Hargreeves x Reader (Oneshots and Headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now