chapter 5

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Marinette's POV

I had a dream. I saw a 2 year old boy and 2 people a lady and a man.

-Tim this is you little sister Marinette Drake the woman said

I saw as she gave the child away to Tom and Sabine. The baby looked like me. I realized those were my parents and that was my brother.

It shifted to Tim running on rooftops watching Batman. Then him becoming Robin.

The dream shifted and it was dark. It was like a dead garden. Everything was dead around me. I was worried. I continued to walk till I stumbled upon a person. It looked like Tim but older like 20 years. He was grey and white. He looked depressed. He was sobbing quietly. I reached out and everything started to crumble.

I slowly opened my eyes.

-Tim? I whispered

I looked around the room and realized I wasn't in my bed. The room was white. I looked to my right and saw Dad and Mom. I  also saw Tim.

Everyone looked at me when I whispered Tim. They hugged me tightly while Tim stood awkwardly behind them.

I questioned Tim and pulled him into a hug. He explained everything about how he didn't remember  me and how he did his best to find me.

A few days after I recovered I sat in the park with Tim. We were getting to know each other.

I told him everything and I mean everything. I felt like I could trust him

I told him about being ladybug. How Lila came and ruined everything. How my parents disowned me.

He told me how he was robin. How he met his brothers and father. How he was adopted even though his parents well our parents were still alive.

We spent a lot of time I realized that I like having him as a brother. I like having a sibling who cares about me. Who loves me and protects me.

I promised myself I will also protect him.

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