chapter 9

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Marinette went Tim. Lila was mad none of her plans were working. They continued the tour and stuff. Tim stayed with the class as a chaperone.

Lila was happy about this arrangement. She can rope that boy into her grasp. The Wayne's were curious as to why Tim wanted to go as a chaperone. They also noticed how he had gotten more sleep.

The class went to the park for free time. Marinette was alone. She was designing under a tree. Damian saw a girl that looked like Drake. It was kinda creepy for him. She was the girl version of him.

He walked up to her with Titus following close behind.

- hi I'm Damian what's your name. He asked not sounding rude but firm.

- I'm Marinette nice to meet you. She said in a soft quiet voice.

- are you related to Tim Drake.

-uhmm yeah he is my older brother.

Damian looked skeptical and was ready to call a lawyer. He knows what she looks and her name.

He called his lawyer the next day. Ready to sue her. For defamation or something.

Marinette was fairly surprised to get a lawsuit. Gosh. It was from the Wayne family. She would have pay a lot of money.

When it was time to go Gotham zoo. Tim noticed his sister was looking the best.

-why so glum chum he asked/joked worriedly.

-I'm being sued by the Wayne family for defamation or something. She answered.

He understood the Wayne family were rich. Being sued by them meant your great great great great great grandchildren will still be paying.

He was mad at them. He saw the paper. Him and Damian were going to have words.

The Wayne family noticed how Tim was mad when he got home. He was ready to skin him. He started shouting at Damian who tried to justify his actions.

Damian had a busted lip and black eye. He also got in trouble. What a day.

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