chapter 7

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I am sorry for not updating in was really busy.

- your lying your an only child Mari-trash, i am truly sorry for what Marinette is doing, maybe we can go out for ice cream as payment? Alya shouted/tried.

-what did you say? Tim said in dangerously calm voice.

- Whatever Marinette is paying you I'm sure we can pay double for your trouble. Lila said still thinking she has a chance while clinging to his arms.

- I was adopted Tim here is my biological brother. Marinette stated like it was common knowledge.

- whatever Marinette, so your name is Tim? Well I would like to get to know you better. Alya said running her hand up and down his other arm and Lila still clinging to his arm.

-I have had enough Marinette let's go. Tim shouted.

Tim had had enough. Now he understood what Marinette is going through. He shoved Lila of his arms and got in the car Marinette in the passenger seat and of they drove.

Marinette was just glad to have gotten away from those wretched people. Lila was fuming. And also jealous.

Tim was planning a way to convince Bruce to bail him out of jail for when he killed Marinette's classmates. He wasn't one for murder but this was fortunately an exception.

They soon got home and Marinette went of to design while Tim stayed and began devising a plan with Jagged Stone to expose the lying witch.

After a few days Tim left back to Gotham. His work in Paris being done. Of course after exchanging numbers. He got to Gotham and then he began his part of the plan convince Bruce to sponsor a trip to Gotham for Marinette's class. Without revealing much. Tim didn't want his father adopting his sister.

Lila was wondering were that boy had gone she wanted him. She could smell the money off of him.

Tomorrow I will update more chapters right now I'm tired and sore. I have been working since 7 and just finished

Thanks for reading


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