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Ok, this is not directed towards anyone in particular. I'm just ranting (obviously).


I'm the youngest of 5 kids. I know my fair shake of how older siblings suck. I mean, sometimes they are really cool and fun, but other times they're... Bleh.

I love my siblings, don't get me wrong, but they infuriate me.

1) Siblings that Do Well:

I have 3 older brothers and an older sister, all of which excel beyond normal standards.

One is an international teacher who has taught in Japan, Pakistan and
Berlin. Another is a family physiatrist who is getting her masters. One of them is an officer in the Air Force and travels to a different country every weekend. The last one is an athletic and smart person who will most likely make it farther than most.

Then there's me- an average, un-athletic girl in high school who can't even get an A in any of her classes. My parents expect me to be like them, but fuck that. All I can do is sing (not very good) and eat.

2) The "Perfect" Sibling:

This is the sibling that will never get in trouble, no matter what they do.

For example, my brother called me fat today and my mom didn't do anything. The moment I said something back, she told me what I said was "fucked up" when it wasn't as bad as what he said. This happens ALL THE TIME.


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