Hot Chocolate

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IM IN LOVE WIT DA COCOA... Until it starts messing up my life.
However, it's still usually one of the only things that can make me smile.

I think that everyone has that one warm drink that they like to drink while they're cold or upset. They just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. There are some things though that make me want to throw my mug against a wall.

1) It's called hot chocolate, not scalding and blistering your tongue so you can't taste anything for an hour chocolate.

2) It's either really watery or powdery. It's is a rare occasion when my hot chocolate is made how it's supposed to. That really saddens me.

3) When you start to drink it, it's creamy goodness in a mug, but GOSH FORBID you like is so much that you end up drinking to the bottom. It's all just powder.

Despite all it's flaws, I will never stop drinking hit chocolate because I believe that flaws make you beautiful. Don't judge a drink by its flaws. Embrace them. (Yes. I did just make a deep emotional statement about the flaws of hot chocolate.)

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