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Ok, I'm a hardcore directioner. Don't get me wrong, I love you guys, but sometimes you can get a little carried away.

1) God forbid if a directioner doesn't like a certain song. It's even worse if someone is open about it. You guys automatically think that this person should be banished from the fandom. People are allowed to have their own opinion. If you don't like a song, you don't like a song.

2) If I'm a directioner, I can't like certain types of music or else I'm a 'directionator.' (See #5) I'm going to be honest with you guys. I like Taylor Swift, The Wanted, and Justin Beiber. I should be able to like music without being shunned.

3) I get that you love the boys and want the best for them. We all do. It's in our nature as fangirls. This doesn't mean, however, that you should feel the need to send hate their girlfriend because you think they're 'not good enough.' It's their choice on what they do with their lives. You're going to fall in love with the wrong people when you're young. It's all part of growing up. They're still young and still growing up themselves so it's inevitable that this will happen.

Bottom Line: DON'T SEND HATE

4) I've been on Wattpad for a little over a year and let me tell you... I've seen some interesting things... There are very... provocative... things on here about the boys. It scares me sometimes because some of this stuff is written by 12-14 year olds. I'm not hating on anyone who writes/reads this type of literature on Watpad. Whatever floats your boat. But, I don't want to be reading an innocent fanfic where they are watching a movie and then BAM! they're doing the dirty. And then, after the end of the chapter, they go on about how their 13th birthday was. It honestly frightens me that there are 12, 13 and 14 year olds who know how to vividly describe how to make babkes. Let me tell you, they don't teach you that in health class.

5) You have no idea how upset it makes me when someone doesn't know something about the boys and people jump on them and call them one of two things: a 'directionator' or a 'newborn.' This gets me pissed more than anything. I'm sorry, but I'm going to be brutally honest in my opinion right now.

I apologize if I don't know the names of every damn person in their family. I didn't feel the need to memorize them because they aren't the ones making music. I apologize if I still have some 'carroty' jokes. I apologize if I don't know the full names of every girlfriend they have had in their lives. I apologize if I don't make an account and follow them on Twitter. I really can't because, well, I don't have or want one. I don't see the point in it. Nothing really sparks my interest about that particular website. So... I apologize.

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