Hypocritical People

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Ok, first off I would like to say that this chapter is not meant to hurt people's feelings. I am writing this from personal experience.

Ok, everyone has been a hypocrite at least once in your life. Don't lie. I will admit, I have been before, but I'm talking about Serial Hypocrites. These are the people who will literally scold you for something and then turnaround and do it every time.

For example:

You: Shit! I forgot my homework! I'm f*cking dead.

Hypocrite: Don't cuss! That's not cool!

Random Person: Hey, (hypocrite's name)! Did you do the homework?

Hypocrite: Aw, f*ck...

You: What the hell?

^^^^^^^^ These people bug me ^^^^^^^^^

I realize that the scenario is most likely not going to happen to you, but this has happened to me.


Hey guys :) I realize it was a quick chapter but I had to hurry.

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