"Class Clowns"

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This is not directed at all class clowns. Most of you guys make me laugh. I'm going to be talking about the ones who don't know when to stop.

So there's this boy (let's call him Shirley) in my first period English class. My school starts at 7:55. (That is WAY to early to deal with immature douche bags.) I am to tired to pay full attention to my teacher, DO NOT TRY AND MAKE IT HARDER.

It is a week before mid-terms and I need to review everything. I want to get a good grade. However, this ass wipe has decided that it is his mission to annoy our teacher, Ms. P.

It was funny the first week of school. Now I just want to shove his water bottle so far up his ass that he'll throw it up (excuse my rude thought 😈). I'm done.

I have been dealing with "Shirley" since I was 11. I want to punch him. (Now, I also have a another good reason to hate this kid but that's a different story.)

THIS D-BAG DECIDED TO ANNOY OUR TEACHER DURING THE BENCHMARK! For those of you that don't know what that is, a benchmark like a mini final that you take every quarter. This dick is about to get a whole can of whoop-ass thrown on him if he doesn't shut the fuck up.

In English, we are reading The Odyssey. The Odyssey is obviously a Greek myth. For those of you that don't know, Greek myths include a lot of sex. He's a teenage boy, I get that he is immature. However, none of the other boys found this to be funny enough to make jokes about it to our teacher.


Yeah... I'm gonna stop now before I go all out with every bad word in the book...

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