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"Eomma? Eomma? Are you there?" he called out looking for his mother.

"Taehyung-ah!" she called out his name. The 6 year-old-boy quickly ran to the direction of his mother's voice.

He reached his mother who was laying on the side of the road blood covering her while body.

"E-Eomma... are you okay?" he sobbed at his mother's state.

"Taehyung-ah. Promise me you won't be a bad person in the future." he nodded as he stared into his mother's eyes. They eyes which he won't be able to see anymore.

The sound of an ambulance came and took Taehyung away from his mother as she was being carried to the ambulance. He tried to resist from the grip of the police to get to his mother. He screamed, cried and kicked just to get to her.

After she was taken away the police tried to calm him down.

"Shh there there kid. Your mom will be fine." the police calmed him down and placed him in his car with his partner at the back seat not wanting him to cry anymore.

"Hey young man. What's your name?" the other police man asked him.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." he answered him sniffling.

"Don't cry. Your mom is strong. Do you know anyone else like an aunt or uncle. Your dad?" he asked.

He shacked his head side to side not wanting to answer him. The police man which was driving signaled his partner to stop asking questions and nodded.

"We arrived Taehyung. Let's go in." the policeman beside him said in a soft voice and got out carrying him in his arms.

Taehyung and the policeman went to the receptionist and the police asked her where was his mother. She told him her room number he walked towards her room still holding Taehyung.

They reached and they both entered. The policeman placed Taehyung on the ground and he walked towards his mother slowly. He saw all the bandages and tubes which connected her to the machines surrounding her.

He then touched her arm.

"Eomma... Eomma... Wake up... Please..." he continued to do it until the policeman went over and talked to him.

"Shh don't worry Taehyung. Your mom is sleeping for a while. She needs to rest okay?" he said and he nodded.

Suddenly the doctor came in with a few nurses.

"Hello sir. Is there anyone who can pick her child up?" he asked and he replied, "No."

"She has no relatives and he doesn't know anyone. No father name as well." he answered and the doctor sighed.

"Then we have a problem here." he said looking down at the clipboard he was holding.

"Why what's wrong?" he asked.

The doctor looked at Taehyung which was glaring at him wanting an answer. The doctor got goosebumps and looked at the policeman.

"She is in a coma. We don't know for how long." he said.

The policeman looked at him with wide eyes and back at Taehyung.

"W-What's wrong?" Taehyung asked clutching onto his shirt.

"Y-Your mom will be asleep for a long time Taehyung..." he answered trying to not scare him.

"W-What?" he asked and had tears in his eyes. He was indeed a smart boy for his age and knew what he meant.

He screamed and ran to his mother's body hopping onto her.

"EOMMA!! EOMMA!! WAKE UP PLEASE!!!" he screamed and screamed as the police tried to release the grip which he had on his mother.

After a few pulls he managed to pull Taehyung and carried him out of her room. He immediately broke down in the policeman's arms. He sat on of the seats and just hugged him close.

"I'm sorry Taehyung that I lied to you. I thought she would live. I'm sorry." the policeman apologized to him.

Taehyung pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"It's o-okay sir. You did y-your best..." he sniffled still not getting over what has happened.

The policeman looked at him full of worry and pity. He was too young to go though this. He didn't what to do but someone else came into the room making everyone's attention face the door.

"Who is she?" the policeman asked his chief which came in with a woman.

"She is from child services and she has come to take Taehyung."

Was this chapter good? I know it started off sad but it will soon get brighter by the chapters. Comment down below if you want to add any scenes or drama to the upcoming chapters! I'm open to anything! Hehe...

Please share and vote! Love ya!

chimmyhobi <3

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