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"Yes ma'am." he replied and I ended the call.

I bit my inner cheek thinking why Taehyung is like this. I guess I'm finding out after school... I got up and put my food away walking towards my next class which was Maths.

I reached to see Taehyung being mobbed by a ton of girls. I sighed and sat a few seats away from him wanting to listen on what these girls were saying.

"Oppa you look really cute with that hoodie." one girl said in a flirty voice.

"Taehyung-ah which gym do you work out at?" another girl asked trying to get closer to him.

I then heard one girl whispered to the other, "I wonder how big he is... from his body, his girl will be lucky."

What the actual hell!? Taehyung was trying to study but these biches aren't allowing him too. I got up from my seat and went towards the girls surrounding him.

"Leave him alone. He wants to study." I said coldly and the girls came to me.

"What right does it make you to tell us that huh?" the girl with the flirty voice asked.

"He is uncomfortable with you all around him. That's why." I said as I brought my bag and sat beside me making the other girls scoff and leave us.

Taehyung's POV

Y/n gave the girls a lecture and they all left. I then felt her presence beside me so I looked at her seeing her sitting beside me.

"If they ever bother you again, you can come to me." she said smiling at me and going back to her books.

Come to her? She wants me to go to her if they do this again?

'Ahh what are you doing to me Song Y/n...?'

Our teacher came into the class and she started teaching.

Halfway in teaching, I saw Y/n sleeping. I nudged her elbow wanting her to wake up and not get scolded since the teacher was really strict.

"Song Y/n! Wake up!" she yelled making Y/n flinch from her voice. I sighed knowing she'll be in trouble.

Author's POV

Y/n heard her name being called loudly as she flinched from the sound. She looked to see Ms Kim staring at her.

"Why are you sleeping in my class?" she asked as she crossed her arms, the students not wanting to make any noise.

"I'm sorry miss. Please forgive me." she bowed her head down asking for her forgiveness but the teacher refused.

"I'll forgive you if you can answer the question on the board." she said pointing towards the question.

She smirked and went up to the board and answered the question. She answered the question easily using her workings and the class was shocked so was the teacher.

This was a hard syllabus and she was able to do it. After answering it, she faced Ms Kim. She gulped ad looked at Y/n.

"You're forgiven but don't sleep in my class again." she warned her and she nodded going back to her seat.

Taehyung on the other hand was pretty amazed by her. He had only seen girls being scolded and humiliated and Y/n was close to it but stuck up and did it.

He felt something in his chest, some desire to touch her. He smiled not letting anyone see as she came back to her desk.

The teacher resumed the lesson and in 30 minutes, it was over. Students started leaving one by one leaving Taehyung and her alone.

𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐡𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now