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Author's POV

The next day, Taehyung woke up with a few other children around his age. The other children looked at his like he was an alien.

Then Eun ha came in making the children's attention on her.

"Everyone. I guess you all have met your new friend. Do you want to introduce yourself?" she asked Taehyung as he looked blankly at her.

She sighed knowing he won't. "His name is Kim Taehyung and he is 6 years old. He is the maknae here so don't bully him." she smiled and went out of the room.

Taehyung's POV

I looked down not wanting to see anyone until I felt someone standing in front of me. I looked up to see a boy with cute cheeks.

"Hi. My name is Jimin, Park Jimin." he extended his hand out. I hesitantly took it.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine here. Just don't mix around with the wrong people like Hae seok and Yoo Jeo." he said sternly making me smile.

"Yah are you smiling?" he asked excitedly and I laughed.

"Because you're cute." I pinched his cheeks making him whine.

"Ahhh I'm not cute. I'm handsome. Once I grow up, I'm gonna be really handsome!" he said putting his fist on his chest.

Jimin and I went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast when two guys came up to us.

"Looks like we have a new slave hyung." one boy around 11 said to the other. I looked at Jimin and he eyed me to don't talk.

"Yah can't you speak?" the other flicked my forehead and I screamed from the pain.

I looked at them and they smirked before leaving us. I sighed knowing this is how my life is now...

Author's POV

Taehyung had gone threw punishments for getting into fight with Hae Seok and Yoon Jeon multiple times. The two oldest bullied him often when there was no one around.

The policeman, Kang Seo Yoon, visited him when he was free and took him to the hospital to see his mom. He noticed Taehyung getting bruises every time he came here and he had told Eun ha many times.

The only friend he had was Jimin. Taehyung was a shy boy and didn't talk to anyone except him. The two would always study together since they go to the same school.

Once the friends turned 13, they got a job for giving out newspapers. They didn't earn much but it was something.

When they did their last year in school, at 17, the two got a scholarship to the best university in Korea which was in Seoul. They both were happy since once they were 18, they had to move out from the orphanage. 

Taehyung was sad knowing he had to be away from his mother for a while. He was still shy and sometimes cold ever since 6.

Taehyung and Jimin are now in their first year of university doing different courses but same subjects. They shared a dorm together but there was one more space left.

Taehyung's POV

It was the first day of university. I always studied with Jimin since I went to school. Yes we, or mostly me, missed out on fun but look where we are now.

There were many girls looking at us and I avoided eye contact. During school, there were many girls wanting our attention by flirting and many other ways, but I didn't care. Jimin did of course.

We then saw our seniors coming towards us.

"Welcome to Seoul's Science and Arts College. My name is Kim Namjoon and I'll be you senior." he said smiling. He was looking among us when his gaze stopped on us but he continued to speak.

"I'll be showing you around campus so you can ask me any questions if you have any." he smiled and started walking around.

Jimin and I were walking at the far back not wanting anyone to watch us. I sighed missing my mother.

After showing around...

"So I have showed you around. You guys can make your way to classes now. Don't hesitate to ask your seniors for anything." he smiled and ran off somewhere.

Jimin and I looked at each other and went to Accounting class. We did have a few same classes.

Y/n's POV

I had arrived at Seoul's Science and Arts University as a freshman. Well long story short, my dad forced me to come here but I didn't care. I was a bit late but I knew where was where. I went towards the dorm area and asked the lady.

"Are you Song Y/n?" she asked me and I nodded. "Here is your keys." she gave me a key.

I thanked her and went to the room number. These dorms were big as it can hold 3 people. My room was 613 and I reached the room.

I unlocked it and looked around. It looked like someone was already here. I found an available room and placed all my things down.

I grabbed my books and quickly went to my Accounting class since I had missed my other classes.

Author's POV

Y/n ran to her class not wanting to show up late, but she did. She saw her teacher already talking and the class attention went towards her.

"I'm sorry I'm late sir." she bowed twice and looked up.

"It's okay Ms... Y/n!" he said looking at the class list and back at her. "You can choose your seat." he smiled and she chose her seat.

On the other hand, Taehyung was watching her. He was thinking whether she was those girls that wanted a boy's attention.

He saw her sit a row in front of him. Jimin noticed and nudged his elbow bringing him back to reality.

"Yah you can check her out later. Listen in class." he smirked mockingly and I pinched his thigh as he whimpered softly.

1.5 hours later...

Taehyung's POV

Class has ended and Jimin hyung and I were at our lockers. There were girls looking at us while whispering between themselves.

Jimin and I sighed tired with this and we went to class. Yes me being shy impacted my life but I have my reasons as well.

Jimin had gone to our class which was Maths and I went to the toilet. I came out from the stall after doing my business and something caught me off guard.

I looked to my right to see 2 boys 3 girls smoking in the toilet. The smell of smoke reached my nose. I covered my nose and was about to leave the restroom when someone's voice stopped me.

"Yah didn't you see us freshman?" a boy with raven hair asked. I faced them and bowed in apology. When I looked at them my eyes slightly widened. They too looked at me shocked, but they all suddenly smirked making me scared to death.

"Welcome back to hell Kim Typical Taehyung..."

Ollo hoped you liked this chapter. Just telling in advance, Taehyung perspective will be used the most but Y/n is also a main actor. Please don't get confused. Hehe...

Please share and vote! Love ya!

chimmyhobi <3

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