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"She is from child services and she has come to take Taehyung." his chief said looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung was just shocked. He moved back slowly away from the woman until his back hit someone's leg. It was the police man's leg. He immediately hugged his legs not wanting to let go.

"Taehyung-ah. You have to go with her." he said as he could feel his pants wet. He bent down to his level and caressed his back.

"I'll go with you sir, but not her. I want my eomma only." he sobbed as the policeman wiped his tears.

"Taehyung I can't help you. I'll visit you okay? I promise." he showed his pinky and Taehyung sobbed as he raised his pinky, inter wining with his.

He was about to get up when he saw Taehyung looking at his mother. He carried him to his mother which was unconscious. "At least say something to her Taehyung, before you leave." he said and let Taehyung down, sitting beside her on the bed.

He held his mum's hand using his two hands. "Eomma... Please wake up soon. This aunty and uncle will help me take care of myself when you're not around. Please stay alive." he sobbed and kissed his mum's cheek and raised his hands to the police officer.

He picked him up and left the room with the woman following behind them. The doctor and his partner was shocked too see him do that.

"I didn't know Mr Kang was this soft..." the doctor said to himself.

"I too didn't know Mr Kim. But I'm glad he did something right even though it looks wrong." his partner smiled and looked at the doctor.

"You are his partner and yet you don't know. Aish..." the doctor said as the partner laughed and left the room.

The doctor sighed and went towards his patient and admired her features.

"He sure will be in good hands ma'am. I promise you that." I said to the boy's mother as I continued to check on her condition.

Taehyung's POV

I went into the auntie's car not wanting to make any eye contact with her.

"What is your name little one? Mine is Eun ha" she asked me and he I just looked at her.

"My name is Kim Taehyung." I said looking at the window.

She smiled and soon later I felt myself sleep.

Eun ha's POV

Taehyung had slept and I sighed. I did feel pitiful for him for going through this at a young age. I reached the orphanage for him to stay.

I carried his small body in my arms trying not to wake him up. I opened the door and saw my friend on her phone at the desk. She smiled and came to me but she stopped when she saw Taehyung in my arms.

"I'll explain later. Do we have an extra bed?" I asked hoping she would say yes and she did.

"Of course. Let me change his clothes then." she smiled and went to get some clothes for him. I placed him on the couch first and she changed him.

I tucked him into the bed and left the room. I came back out to see her sighing.

"Can you tell who is this boy?" she asked looking at the door which I just came out of. I explained to her what had happened tonight.

"Should we visit his mom tomorrow then?" she asked and I nodded.

"Go and sleep now. You look really tired." I said chuckling and she scoffed.

"College sucks you know, but these kids make my day." she smiled and went to her room.

I sighed and went to my room. I did my night routine. I laid on my bed and slept through the cold night.

What a day he had...

Heyyo second chapter out. Yeah this chapter is kinda sad but please deal with it for a while! Hehe...

Please share and vote! Love ya!

chimmyhobi <3

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