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I looked at the screen to see him watching Spongebob Squarepants. Is he even a college student or a child? 

"Do you really watch this?" I asked him as he looked at me and nodded slightly. 

I took my phone and played it for a while but noticed Taehyung smiling slowly when Patrick and Spongebob were laughing and having fun as they caught jellyfish together and annoyed Squidward. I have to say but he looked cute while watching it so I took a picture and a video of him. 

After 3 hours...

Author's POV

Taehyung had watched half of his Spongebob series on Netflix as Y/n was on her phone who would sometimes look up at him and smile without knowing. Jimin was in his room so he didn't see what was going on in the living room.

Jimin came out from his room and saw Y/n sleeping on the side of the couch and Taehyung was focused on the T.V. He sighed and went to Taehyung.

"Yah how long have you been watching this?" he asked him.

"Since I woke up. Why?" he asked him back. 

Jimin gave him a 'what the hell' look and sighed., "Look at Y/n." he said.

Taehyung looked at her and saw her sleeping on her phone, her hand holding her head so it wouldn't drop. Taehyung knew some sleeping positions that could someone's spinal bone ad neck bones. He paused his show and helped her to sleep properly. 

He laid her down on his lap as Jimin took the chance to take a short video and a few pictures without the younger knowing. Taehyung sat back down and brought her head up, placing a pillow underneath. 

"What.?" Taehyung asked Jimin as he put his phone back. 

"Nothing hehe. I'll go take out some food for lunch. It's already 12.45pm." he said as he got up to his room, changed and left the place.

Taehyung's POV

Jimin hyung left the dorm as I sighed looking at Y/n. What was she making me do? I could feel my own heart beat beating out of my ribs. I touched my chest softly feeling it softly. Was she doing this to me or did I do something illegal?

I just laid back on the couch and continued my show. Without me knowing, I was caressing her head like a dog sleeping. 

Jimin's POV

I left the dorm as I went to a ramen and tteokbokki shop as Taehyung and I didn't mind simple food, but don't know about Y/n. I guess I'll get for a ramen as well right? I paid the auntie that was cooking the food and walked away. 

Ordering 3 ramen and tteokbokki was heavy... ugh lucky Taehyung get's to stay at home with a girl and I'm here being a third wheel. It was a 10 minute walk so I didn't mind. As I walked back, I heard some noises coming from the university bushes. 

From curiosity I placed the food down and looked through the bushes. My mouth gap open when I saw a small dog there. I tried to reach out for it but to my surprise he came to me obediently and rubbed its fur on my jeans.

'Taehyung will like him for sure...' I thought to myself as I carried the food on one hand and the dog in the other.

Taehyung likes dogs because he liked to play with them after school when we had free time, as they were stray ones. I went back up to the dorm and saw something that made my heart burst out from my body.

'What are these two doing...?' 

Few minutes before Jimin arrived...

Taehyung's POV 

I stopped my show as I was tired. I got up slowly as I placed her head on the couch with the pillow beneath her head. I went and showered as Jimin hyung were going to leave after lunch to see my mother. 

I showered and wore shorts and a shirt first so I wouldn't sweat. I came out from my room to see Y/n about to fall. I quickly went to her and fixed her position but then she fell on the ground with a thud. But she didn't wake up yet...? I guess she was a deep sleeper. I decided to carry her to her room as I know that shortie hyung of mine will take his time.

I walked to her room but without knowing I slipped on something making me fall and hit my spine badly but what me shocked was how close our lips were to touching. I froze, one wrong move and my first kiss will be like this... You screwed up Taehyung.

All of a sudden, the dorm door opened revealing none other than Jimin... AHH WHY HIM!?!?

"T-Taehyung!?" he asked in a shocked voice as I told him to zip his mouth up.

"Oh ok ok...  You have some explaining to do later..." he said as he placed the food down and a puppy? He looked cute tho.

"Yah hyung help me!" I whisper-yell at him as he picked up Y/n and brought her to her room and placed her under he sheets and left. 

I went to the puppy and caressed its head, it was cute. He started rubbing his body against my chest like a baby and curled up in my arms. I smiled softly as he slept already, what a deep sleeper you are...

"So what happened when I was gone?" Jimin asked with a sly smirk on his face as I gap my mouth open.

"N-Nothing. I just slipped and fell and that's when you entered. And why did you bring this puppy here?" I asked.

"Well I found him in the university bushes so since you liked them I thought I could bring him home..?" he said chuckling softly.

"Well he is cute. What should we name him hyung?" 

"Well he is yours now so how about you give him a name." he suggested as I thought. 

"How about Yeontan? Yea... Kim Yeontan~!" I cooed at that name as he woke up and wagged its tail in, I guess, happiness.

I giggled as how he was reacting. All of a sudden, Y/n's room door opened and we both looked in her direction. 

"Who brought me to my room..?" she asked while rubbing her eyes.

Jimin hyung and I pointed our fingers at one another. She looked at our fingers and her jaw dropped a little. 

"Did you both touch.!?" she asked in a shocked voice.

"What noooo we wouldn't! Right Taehyung-ah?" he asked me as I nodded.

"Mhmm yea..."

"Fine but I'll keep a close eye on you two. So what's for lunch?" she asked.

"Ramen and tteobokki. Come and eat." Jimin said as I got up to put sleeping Yeontan on the couch. 

"Is that your dog?" she asked me.

"Uh, yea... Jimin hyung brought him in earlier. His name is Yeontan." I said in a calm voice. 

Why can't I express the feelings I want to express... 

"Oh okay. Come let's eat," she said as she went to the table as I too did. 

Boring chapter? Don't worry it will get better soon when I get the chance to type hehe

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chimmyhobi <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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