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"Welcome back to hell Kim Typical Taehyung..." he said. I moved back but I was stopped when my back hit a wall.

"What's wrong Taehyung? Don't you miss us?" the girl said laughing with her friends and the boys staring hard at me.

"Yah don't give us that look. Did you forget what had happened in high school?" the other boy asked. I looked down.

"I guess he has forgotten it Felix. Let's beat him up like last time." he said stepping on his used cigarette.

"Nah I want to do something different Chanyeol. What do you think babe?" he asked his girlfriend.

"I don't mind."

"Yah who are you!?" the girl I pulled her hair said.

"Protecting him from you of course." I said as she then went off with her friends.

I looked at Taehyung and helped him up. He looked pale, but shocked.

"A-Are you a bad girl?" he asked as he stuttered.

"Maybe yes. Maybe no." I smiled as I winked at him as I went to the cafeteria.

Taehyung's POV

She winked at me... SHE WINKED AT ME!! What is she doing to my poor heart. I sighed and went to the cafeteria. I reached and got some food and sat at the furthest table, avoiding any girls.

I took out my Chemistry book and started revising it until a girl's voice interrupted me.

"Hey Taehyung~" I looked to see the biggest flirt, Jessica. What is my luck on the first day of school...

"Do you wanna skip class and have some fun?" she asked as her hand roamed my left thigh.

I pushed her hand away and was about to say something when Y/n came and sat beside me.

"Who are you?" Jessica asked her.

"I'm his study buddy." she smiled as Jessica looked at her in disgust.

"Oppa let's leave this trash here and skip c-" I cut her off.

"She is my study buddy. Please leave." I said not wanting to be her as she scoffed, leaving us alone.

"You okay?" she asked me as I scooted away from her. "What are you studying about?" she asked again as I showed her the cover of my book.

"Why are you studying now though? It's break." she said as I glared at her making her stop and eat.

I smiled softly and ate my food. I was done and was about leave when I said something. "Don't be late to class." and left.

Y/n's POV

"Don't be late to class." he said as he left me. I watched his figure leave and I sighed. I looked around to see a few students near me.

I took out my phone and dial a number. It rang for a few times and the person answered.

"Yes ma'am?" the guy on the phone asked me.

"Find all information on Kim Taehyung. Keep it on my desk."

Do you guys her identity? Well it will be revealed soon so let me go and studyyy! Hehe...

Please share and vote! Love ya!

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