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Saturday morning...

It was 10.30am now as I laid on my bed, tired from this school week. I had finished all my assignments yesterday itself so I could have relax for the next 48 hours. 

I got up and did my morning routine. I wore a simple tee and shorts which were knee length as I left my room. I saw Jimin hyung still sleeping in his room as I sighed. 

I walked out and saw that black and gold suitcase still there. I guessed that was our new roommate but we didn't know where he is, which I suppose so.

I made myself breakfast which was cereal and went to the TV to watch some Netflix. After watching 2 episodes of FRIENDS, the dorm room opened revealing someone I didn't expect to see. 

'Song Y/n!?!? What is she doing here!?!????' I asked myself mentally. 

She entered the place without even sparing a glance at me. She carried her bag to a room across mine and closed it shut. Immediately I went to Jimin hyung's room to tell him about our new roomate.

"Yah you freaking sack of mochi~!" I yelled at him softly as he was under the covers, covering his ears with a pillow.

"Shut up Taeeeee~ My head hurtssss~~!!" he screamed into the pillow.

I guess alcohol makes you sick like hell... I pulled the covers off him as he looked at me, sighing.

"Taehyung-ah give me back my blankettttt!" he yelled as I gave it back to him, "Aren't you suppose to be studying or something?" he asked.

"We have a new room mate." I said making him go back to sleep. I knew he would be unbothered so I spiced things up, "It's a girl."

He immediately got up from his bed with wide eyes, "W-What??? Since when??" he asked.

"Just now. She is in the room across mine." I said as he groaned in frustration but then looked at me.

"Yah is she hot or HaWt?" he asked with a sly smirk as I shook my head, fed up with his attitude.

"Please shower hyung, and it's Y/n..." I said the last part softly and left the room.

Jimin's POV

Taehyung left my room, closing the door. So Song Y/n is our new room mate and he keeps staring at her...

I guess I know what my mission is now, GIVING KIM FREAKING TAEHYUNG A GIRLFRIEND~

I went to my bathroom and did my morning routine. I wore some simple clothes as well and came out just to get smacked by a pillow. 

"Yahh who was that??" I asked annoyed.


Author's POV

Taehyung left Jimin's room and back to the living room to finish up his cereal. As he put in his last mouth of cereal, Y/n came out from her room wearing a shirt which covered only up to her mid thighs, making Taehyung look at her.

He stared at her figure and she brought her head up from her phone. 

"YAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" she asked like a yell as she brought a pillow and hit him, the bowl was safe don't worry.

"Yah stop hitting me crazy hooman! I live here as well!" he said as she stopped. 

"Wait so- my room mate is a guy?"

"Yea. Have a problem with that?"

"Uhh no. Wait who is there?" she asked as she got the same pillow and went to Jimin's room door. 

That's when Jimin left his room to get smacked by a pillow.

End of flashback...

"Y/n?" he asked as Y/n looked at Taehyung and Jimin.

"You both live here....?" 

"Mhmm." Jimin answered as he 'checked out' her outfit. 

"Yah stop staring pervert!" she yelled hitting him the pillow again.

"TaeTae help me!!!" Jimin yelled making Taehyung watch them blankly.

The two people, or may be one, are just as crazy as ever... 

"I'm just gonna go change to something better." she said as she went to her room and closed the door shut.

Taehyung's POV

She went to her room as Jimin hyung came to me. 

"So are you in paradise yet?" he asked making me confused.


"Yeah. You see the love of your life in just a shirt and bra, maybe even without her pan- OWWW!" he yelped in pain as I pinched his arm and thighs.

"You dirty minded hyung..." 

"TaeTae. You have never talked nor spoken to any girls in your life except the ones in the orphanage and our teachers. Can you at least talk to her? She seems like a good person." he said.

"No hyung. Once I get my mom back, maybe then I'll talk to girls in may age group or around my age group." I said unbothered. 

"Fine. Speaking about your mother, wanna visit back? We haven't been there in months." he said softly. 

"Yea it has. Want to leave after lunch?"


"Now go and eat your breakfast. I can hear your stomach begging for food." I said making him scoff softly and went to the kitchen to make something.

Y/n's room door opened revealing her in 3-quarter pants and the same shirt. I guess I can say she looks good? She saw me and went to the kitchen.

Y/n's POV

I went to make myself something and saw Taehyung's friend, Jimin I suppose?

"Hey." I called out as he looked at me.

"Hey." he replied. 

"Sorry for hitting you earlier, especially Taehyung." 

"It's fine. We both don't mind."

"Thanks." I said as I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured it down a glass and drank it. 

I washed it and went to the living room to see Taehyung watching TV. I sat with a good distance away from each other. 

I guess this chapter is boring..? Idk but at least it was a chapter right? XD But it's also an update for not posting ToT

Please share and vote! Love ya~!

chimmyhobi <3

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