Part 5: Change Of Plans

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*Point Out Mistakes! (I make a lot)

Part 5: Change Of Plans

"Come on out Josette!" Kai called throughout the Salvatore's house. He left Elena in the car so he would be free to kill or torture without interruptions. Although, 'left' may have been an understatement, really he just snapped her neck.

Kai already searched the entire hospital, looking for Jo, but the lady at the front desk told him that Jo never came in to work. So his first thought- go to the Salvatore house and kill someone.

He used his magic to tear apart the house: lifting couches, nightstands, coffee tables and throwing lamps in anger. He couldn't find anyone.

"Come out, this isn't the time for hide and seek! We're both a little too old for that!" Kai shouted as he sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time. When he reached the top he seen stuff already trashed. It looked as if someone already packed their bags and raided all of the drawers. "No!"

Kai rushed down the stairs, punching a wall and pacing back and forth in anger.

"Real funny! Snap my neck every time you get bore-" Elena walked in rubbing her neck and rolling her eyes, until she saw how trashed it was. "What did you do?"

"I'm looking for Jo," he replied, trying to walk past her, but she put her hand on his chest.

"She is one of the few siblings you have left, don't kill her." Elena looked him in the eyes and surprisingly he seemed to consider it.

"I think that's your first good idea. I have more than one sibling in which I share blood, age and all that wiz-biz." Kai's smile grew as he continued to push past her.

"Wait! What are you talking about?" Elena turned around, trying to follow him.

"I'm not in the mood to explain," Kai said simply, flicking his wrist and yet again snapping her neck. He walked out of the door as she fell limp to the ground. "I have a merge to complete."


"Your not getting to Jo." Luke crossed his arms in front of the bar where Liv worked. Jo, Alaric and Liv made it out of town early in the morning, but Luke stayed, to fight off Kai- much to Liv's disapproval.

"I'm not here for Jo." Kai smirked deviously, pulling out a chair, sitting down and kicking his legs up onto the table. "Your a powerful warlock, right?"

"Powerful enough to take you down!" Luke snapped, walking towards Kai, only to be thrown back by Kai's magic.

"I doubt that see, I've been practicing. And considering we have the same family, same blood and all that, why don't I merge with my lil' bro Luke. I mean, I already almost killed you once, why not again? I have to admit I was a little nervous at first, but I've got my magic under control now, I've been practicing on a vampire." Kai smiled, as Luke struggled I get off the ground, after being thrown into the shelf of alcohol. "Vampires are surprisingly durable."

"We can't merge, we're not twins!" It would probably work, considering they shared everything, but Luke couldn't leave Liv alone. He couldn't die.

"Yeah, yeah. But since Jo is being a little baby, running and hiding as always," Kai rolled his eyes in exasperation as he kicked his legs down and stood up. "I don't have time for a locator spell and I'm in the mood to be an all powerful warlock,"

Luke looked around, knowing he didn't exactly have a choice. Either he died in the merge or he killed Kai, but it was still better than merging with Liv and killing her. "I'll do it."

"Of course you will, you don't have a choice." Kai started laughing as he stepped outside.

The moon was already up, sending a smile to creep onto Kai's face. It only grew when Luke stepped outside with a look of anger and determination.

"Let's get this over with." Luke pulled out a knife and cut one of his hands, not wincing at the pain. Not showing weakness.

Kai grabbed the knife and cut his own hand, he didn't even feel the pain. Being trapped in a prison world, killing himself multiple times, heightened his resistance to pain.

They clasped their hands together and both got hit with a wave of nervousness. No matter how powerful they each knew they were, one wouldn't make it. One would move on and become the most powerful and for one it was the end.

"Saguinem Desimilus. Sanguinem Generis Finatus." Both of them started to chant, feeling the power coursing through their veins.

"Kai?" Elena called through the bar, but it was empty. She still heard his voice, he was chanting and she realized the merge was starting, oddly she felt scared. A instant fear flooded through her at the thought of Kai dying. She sped to where they were standing a few feet apart, under the moon.

"Sanguinem Desimilus. Sanguinem Generis Finatus." They continued to chant and their eyes turned to the backs of their skulls, replaced by a glaze of white.

"Kai don't! Stop it! Please! Don't die, Kai just stop!" Elena's voice began to get more desperate, and she grabbed Kai's arm, but he didn't budge. "Please stop!"

"Sanguinem Desimilus. Sangu-" their words were cut off as they simultaneously fell backwards. Luke's back collies with the cement, while Elena caught Kai as she fell to her knees with him.

"No, you can't die. This isn't right, you were supposed to be strong!" Elena but into her wrist and shoved it into his mouth, but he didn't swallow. She heard his heart and felt around for his pulse - which was beating at a steady rate. "Please wake up."

She realized that they were both in the same state and must have been having some sort of inner battle. Now all she could do was wait, which was the worst thing.

Five minutes later she heard a voice call out to her, but it wasn't Kai or Luke.

"Elena? Where the hell were you?" Damon rushed towards her, crushing her in hug. She was speechless as she wrapped her arms around his back in return, it had been too long without him.

"I think he's gone Damon," Elena cried into his chest as she realized her eyes were watering...for Kai. When had she started caring? She hadn't realized until that moment, that she wanted him to live.

"Kai?" Damon pulled back to
Look her in the eyes and when she nodded a frown took over his face. "Why are you so sad?"

"He didn't deserve death! What do you suggest? Dumping him in a river and pretending he never existed, or just leaving him here? No one deserves that, he may have done bad things, but he's not a monster. If I gave up on you when we first met, I wouldn't have seen this side of you." Elena didn't know where that came from, but it flowed out of her easily. Kai's blunt honesty, and light breezy personality had weasels its way into her heart. She didn't love him and probably never could, but she couldn't deny that she cared.

Before Damon could reply, he glanced over her shoulder and seen that Kai had woken up. Elena followed his eyes and - despite the situation - her cheek turned a light shade of pink. He heard her entire speech and that was kind of awkward.

"Touching...really, but we have to go. You know, kill a coven, world domination, virgin sacrifice, blah blah blah. I won't bore you with the dirty little details." Kai smiled deviously, raising his hand to snap Damon's neck, but Elena stood on her toes before he could and planted a chaste kiss on lips.

"I still love you, but I'll be okay." She whispered into his ear, moving to stand next to Kai.

"You can't take her!" Damon shouted rushing towards Kai, but Kai's wrist flicked, snapping his neck.

"I need a virgin to sacrifice." Kai looked down at his body, with a smile. Kai narrowed his eyes at the thought of killing Elena, for an odd reason he couldn't bring himself to want to kill her so he turned to look at her as he added, "or a queen to rule beside me."

A/N: Okay, I absolutely love you all! You comments make my entire day! And I'm sorry this chapter kind of sucked, but it needed to happen, next chapter should be cuter(hopefully)

I think I'm going to follow with the show slightly, except more Kai and Elena. And Oh My Glob! They both are starting to feel the attraction. *cough* they might *cough* kiss *cough* next chapter! Too soon for that? Or bring on the kissing?

Love You All!(;

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