Part 3: Redeeming Qualities

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Part 3: Redeeming Qualities

"You can do pretty much anything on these things. Did you know there's this thing where you meet people on here and they come to you? I could virtually order a person" Kai scrolled down his phone, giggling like a kid as he popped a grape into his mouth.

Elena ignored him as she rested her head on her hands. Her legs were tied to the legs of the chair, which was sort of pointless considering they weren't laced in vervain. "Can't I just go up to a different room?"

"All I have to do is text her the address and she'll meet me here? That seems a little creepy. What if she's a psycho?" Kai's eyes widened dramatically as his voice was dripping with humor. "I mean I don't want her all like, 'I'm gonna hack you into piece and like, feed you to my dogs." Kai shook his head, continuing to scroll through the people on a dating site.

Elena rolled her eyes, looking away as a smile fell onto her lips. She couldn't deny that Kai's humor sometimes got to her.

"Another thing about modern technology, absolutely no privacy. I know everything about SallyMcFly with one button." Kai's eyes were glued to his phone as his fingers started moving rapidly. "She's said she's on her way, and she even added a cute little wink-y face at the end. She must really like me."

"Why would you invite her over?" Elena asked, narrowing her eyes in confusion. If anyone came over they would notice that the house isn't theirs and that Elena had been kidnapped.

"I can't exactly go to a restaurant and leave you here to try and escape. I could do a spell to lock you here but that would take for-ever." Kai replied dramatically, walking up the stairs.

Elena heard him trifling though the drawers and coming back down wearing a red plaid shirt. He was buttoning the last button when he looked back at Elena and noticed her shirt was the exact same, except it was too big on her. "You know when I was up there and saw this shirt I was like, 'Kai this shirt looks familiar and blue really brings out your eyes' but I decided on the red one. What a coincidence."

Elena rolled her eyes and started tilting her glass of water back and forth, bored-ly. She'd been down there for a few hours just listening to him ramble about random stuff that really didn't have anything to do with anything and it had gotten...annoying.

"How does my hair look?" Kai started running his finger through his hair, looking in the mirror. "I was going to leave it, but now I think I should try something different. Maybe give it a little curl in the front. Something that screams, super villain, but I don't want it to look cliché. You know?"

"What?" Elena looked up at him like he was crazy.

"It's kind of embarrassing, but this is my first date in a while. I'm kind of nervous." Kai chuckled as he front bell rang. "I'll get it."

He strolled to the door and Elena had a view of him the whole time. The kitchen was next to the living room but there was a clear view to the front door. He gave her a thumbs up and pulled open the door.

"Hi, my name is Kai. I'm from the Gemini coven, I'm a really powerful warlock or wizard, I kind of like the sound of wizard but either one is fine, and my favorite color is red. But not like a bright red, more like a blood red, you know?" Kai continued to ramble as Elena sat at the table trying not to smile.

The petite blonde at the door started to laugh, stepping into the house. "Your funny. I'm Sally, by the way."

"Thanks, most people don't appreciate my humor. Isn't that right, Elena," Kai called to Elena, causing Sally to look over at her and realize she was tied to a chair. Kai leaned over with his hand at the side of his mouth and whispered, "she's kind of a vampire."

Playing By His Rules (Kai Parker and Elena Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now