Part 13: New Dawn

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"I can't believe it. I've siphoned the magic of every Gemini witch and warlock. I've absorbed them all, killed them all... ate them all." He turned towards her with wide eyes. "Just kidding, I'm not crazy." He fidgeted in his seat. "I feel muted feelings of remorse and guilt, but..."

He moved into an upright position on the chaise, taking his head between his hands. "I feel nothing now. No satisfaction, even while killing. It's just a job now." He huffed out, laying back onto the chaise.


"Doctor patient confidentiality, got it?" He looked up at the white plastic manikin, feeling unmotivated to even crack a smile. "Ugh. One star."

"Sir, you can't sit in the display." The department store employee looked frightened as she approached him.

"Im not sitting." He closed his eyes as he laid back. "What a comeback." He muttered to himself in annoyance.

"Sir, I-"

"I've lost my pizazz. I used to be the greatest—well I still am the greatest, duh. But, I could be greater, I could be so much better. I've got all the magic, I have these nifty vampire abilities— which are absolutely sick by the way, I'm like a superhero. Do you read comics?" He mumbled, coming back into a sitting position.

"No, but sir, I-"

"Of course you don't." He flicked his wrist and before he even got the chance to look at her, her body was limp on the floor. "I don't read either."

He turned back to the manikin. "Where was I again? Darn it. Lost my train of thought."

"Anyways—" he started only to get interrupted again. "For the love of God—what?"

"I have food here for Holden Magroin," the delivery guy said, a look of annoyance on his face. "What the fuck is going on here? What happened to her?" He panicked, noticing the pool of blood around the elevated display stage.

Kai squinted his eyes. "Holden Magroin?" He burst out laughing, holding his sides dramatically. "That is hilarious, whoever did that must be a pretty funny guy."


She flicked through an old diary, groaning as she cringed over all the things she used to fret over. Matt, Stefan, Damon... and he who shall not be named.

She had a lot of time to reflect on Damon's death, a ton of time to grieve over it. But still whenever she read a diary entry mentioning him it made her sad.

How could she turn on him for a guy she had known for less than half a year.

Granted she hadn't known Damon all that long.

Funny enough she had all the time in the world with him now. In this made-up prison world that Kai had put her in. It had been around 4 years at least. For the first year she couldn't really tell it was a fake world, all of her friends were there, everything was perfect.

But soon she realized everything taught in class, she already knew. Everything her friends said was exactly what she wanted to hear. If she went too far out of town she would get dizzy or houses would repeat themselves. He had put her in a world dependent on her memories and her own ideas.

Everything was perfect for her.

She should have been happy and just gone a long with it.

But after what she had done to Damon... to see him everyday. After breaking Stefan's heart? After betraying all her friends? It was torture for them to just treat her like a princess.

She spent the majority of her days in her old bedroom, the one thing she really appreciated. She read her old journals, she wrote new ones, and she fully read through all the books she owned.

Some days she would go on  dates with the Salvatores or do spa days with Bonnie and Caroline. Sometimes she could pretend, but that was rare.

I hate Kai. I'd rather be alone in this hell. Why do all of the people I betrayed have to be here? Why does-

"Elena, coffee!"

Her own froze on the page. She would never be used to hearing her aunt Jenna's voice again. At first it was indescribable being able to see her again.

But just like everything else, it turned into a nightmare.

She hated it.

"I'm fine!" She called back. There would be no argument on her end. No one would disagree with her.

Despite everything, my hatred for him, my anger at him leaving me here, and against all of my better judgement... I wish he was here. There is no way I could conjure up a Kai that wouldn't argue with me.

I didn't mean to mention his name.

She tired the page out of her diary, crinkled it up and tossed it in the trash with the other ones.


"I don't know man, they sound crazy." The delivery guy responded to Kai's heavily edited recounting of events. "Maybe killing your family wasn't what you really wanted."

"Full offense, but that's stupid. That's literally been my only goal. My family and my coven." He rolled his eyes, taking another bite of his taco. He didn't bother swallowing before continuing, "that's like... my character arc, I kill my family and I find inner peace. Bada bing."

"Maybe inner peace should, like, come from inside?"

"It's going to be pretty hard to find inner peace after finishing these tacos." He unbuckled his pants groaning about being full as well as another monologue about the perfect taco.

"Do you think this has anything to do with that girl you mentioned at the beginning?" The nameless taco man leaned in a bit curiously.

"Oh my god." Kai swallowed his taco and threw the rest of it across the store. "You may have a point. Crazy pants must have gotten into my freaking head. I've been feeling guilt lately. Maybe I feel... guilt about leaving her in a prison world?" He paused looking at the taco man thoughtfully, "are we going to kiss right now?"

"Man, what-" before he finished talking his neck was snapped.

"No homo." Kai said proudly, having seen that online, after spending countless hours on social media. He turned back to the manikin. "Honestly he had a good point, but I liked your approach better."

He snapped his fingers, and the manikin, too, was lying on the floor.

"Welp. Looks like I'm waking up crazy pants."

A/N: okay so I started watching TVD again and got a little inspired. I didn't rlly reread this story too much so sorry for any discrepancies. Also haven't done any writing lately so yk, read at your own risk.

Anywayyyy I'm calling this like.. a season 2 I guess. I like happy endings so this is an optional happy ending. Will probably only be about 10 chapters, give or take.

Also I cranked this out in like an hour so I might do a rewrite

Anyway lemme know what you think!

Playing By His Rules (Kai Parker and Elena Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now