Full Moon

722 24 15

---Em's Pov---

As we were going to Viney's house, we kill and transform any witches on the way. For the first time, I got to see what Kitten was talking about, they were so weak and so easily ambush, by the time we got to Viney's house we have easily kill over 25 witches. I look behind me and really notice how killing my better half affects me, I kill witches yet I feel nothing but does it matter? No, those witches were going to die, either way, my only regret is that I couldn't drink all of their blood. I turn around and knock on the window.

"Em!? What are you doing here!?"

"Hey, Vin, let me in?"

"Sure, sure go ahead"

"Keep a lookout, do what you must"

I go inside and Viney is nervous, I smile and hug her. "There is nothing to be nervous about"

"But Em, you are..."

"A vampire, yes"


"Because of the freedom, it gave me now we can finally go out, not as friends but as a couple"

"I could have swayed your mother"

"She already was searching for a fiance for me, a male fiance"

"Then why..."

"Didn't say I was lesbian? I was but then Kitten said it first and mother force her to date Boscha"

"You want me to join you, right?"


"What of my family?"

"They can join us, Luz is the Queen of Vampires and my future sister in law"


"There wouldn't be anything to worry about"

"Then let go"

I walk with Viney to the living room where her parents were. They are surprised to see me and probably are wondering how I got here.

"Viney, who is she?"

"Father, mother, this is my girlfriend, Emira Blight"


"Oh My God, you are the secret girlfriend she has been talking about!!" Viney's mother says.

"Mom!! She doesn't need to know that!!"

"Why? there is no need to be embarrassed about it"

"Because!!... it will get to her head"

"Anyways, why are you introducing us to your girlfriend this late night"

"Why are you guys awake?"

"Oh, about that, Viney we need to talk to you"

"You guys want to defect," Viney says.

"...Yes, we already made arrangements"

"Well, I guess this is even easier"

"What will be easier?"

"I'm a vampire, we were here to persuade you to join the vampires"

"Well, I guess our transformation and this walk can wait until we reach the palace of the vampires," Viney's mother says.

"Very well"

I open the door and call out for the vampires, the group I came with appear and another came. I explain why we were here. The group that was assigned to escort them understood and made us join us, as they were the last group before we had to retreat. Viney and her family grab everything and were escorted to the vampire lands, I carry Viney in process style until we got to the palace.

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