First Quarter

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Author's notes: I am sorry for releasing the chapter so late but I have started University, so from now on, chapters might take longer to get release with me being in University. I will still try to release once a week but I cannot promise anything. I hope you enjoy this 5,654-word chapter!!

---Amity's Pov---

I feel nothing, I see witches been killed and made into ghoul, yet I feel nothing. I have killed multiple members of my mentor's coven and I see and feel their fear as we approach to kill them and there is nothing they can do to stop it. I kill and drink witches and those with blood that I like, I make them into ghouls. I wish I could continue doing this but I have other things to do.

I begin to walk towards Boscha's house, I wanted for my friend to be with me and live this life with me. As we are walking I see a group of female witches kneeling behind bound male witches. I continue to walk and soon I am in front of them.

"We have been waiting for you, Amity"

"Oh? What for?"

"I and the other girls wish to become your slaves"

"Is that so? is this why there are tied up witches?"

"Yes, we offer them as a sacrifice and proof we want to yours"

I walk up to the witch that was talking and made her stand up, I look at her and she was definitely a catch. Before, the idea of having a slave would have never crossed my mind, but Luz said that it was fine, she even went to the human realm to gain a few slaves. Those slaves take turns to pleasure not only her but also any guest. She also mentions these exact events might happen, she doesn't have a problem with me having some slaves, in fact, she would find it weird if I didn't. I look at her and caress all of her body, before making a decision.

"Tell me, why are you choosing this?"

"I and the other girls always had a crush on you and when we heard about your family having defected, we knew it was our only chance to be with you"

"Oh, really, I had secret admirers"

"We always were in awe with your beauty, whenever you were near we always tried to sneak peek at you"

"Before I decide you must do something for me"

"Anything!! We will do anything to please you!!"

I smile and turn to the bound witches. "I want you to kill them and take their heart and present them to me"

The witches comply and started to stab the male witches, slowly and with a smile on their faces they kill and open their chest and rip the heart of the witches, and presented to me. I smile as I grab the heart, I saw that the vampires that were escorted me, were confused as to why I did this, I could have to drink them but I wanted to see their devotion to me.

"Good job, I shall make you my slaves"

I cut my arm and motion for them to come and drink, each one came and drank my blood. When the last one had drunk my blood and made them into my ghoul, I heal my wound and continue to walk towards the Treiochi Manner. At some point, I notice that there were fewer witches fighting against us, I witness children turn into vampires and feast upon their parents then been forced to obey orders, I ignore this and continue to walk towards Boscha house. Eventually, we get there I destroy the fence and order my ghouls to go inside and restrain them, I knew for a fact that they wouldn't be able to overpower Boscha but it was a good distraction.

"Get off me!!" I heard Boscha's mother yell.

"Well, well, well, I expected Boscha to be here but she isn't"

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