Waxing Gibbous

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---Boscha's Pov---

I am in heaven, I'm making out with the girl I have loved since we were kids in her room without a care for the world. I don't know what time it is but I feel like we have been going for hours and I am starting to feel hungry. I separated our lips for a moment wanting to speak but Willow simply pulls me into her lips once again. While I wouldn't mind continue kissing, we need to eat something, if not at least drink water.

"Willow... we... need... to... eat... or... at least... drink... something"

Willow stops making out and looks at me. "I can see a meal and a drink right in front of me, right now"

"I can see one too but we need actual food after all it is already..." I glance over the clock, showing it was already 6:30.

"Almost 7"

"Fine, I am feeling hungry"

"Good, then let's..."

"Honey, is your girlfriend going to stay for dinner?"

"Dad!? When did you come home!?"

"Oh, about an hour ago, I found you making out with her, and I didn't want to interrupt, so I went downstairs to stay with your father"

"Father is here as well!?"

"Yeah, he warns me to not come upstairs but I didn't listen to him and found out the hard way, why I shouldn't"

"I... I...um" Willow was left flabbergasted.

"Hello, Mr. Park, I appreciate the thought but I have to go home"

"Are you sure? Its almost night time and you know how the situation is, with all the coven officially disbanded"

"Wait, they disbanded all coven?"

"Well, if the leaders having defected, they so no reason to keep them"

"What happened to the members?"

"They were all absorbed by the Emperor's Coven, actually is no longer calling it that"


"Oh, someone broke into the castle and found out that Belos was long gone from that place"

"What!? When did this happen!?"

"This morning, I think the witch who broke in was Faust"

"Faust? As in Faust Treiochi?"


"What happened to him?"

"Well, it seems Belos rig the entire place with traps so, he died the moment he set foot in"

"My father is dead!?"

"Oh! Was Faust your father? I'm sorry I..."

"Hell Yeah!!!"

"You know you could at least pretend you are sad," Willow says.

"Why? He was a monster, he abuses me and my mother all the time, he was a manipulative freak. You have no idea how happy I'm right now"

"Then, why don't you stay for the night?"

"You know what, I will"

"Well, what with the change of heart?"

"Well, I was going to go home because of my father but with him dead, I don't need to, I will just call my mom"

"Then I will be waiting downstairs," Willow says before giving me a kiss.

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