Waxing Crescent

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---Eugene Court's Diary---

--Morning of July 17, 2026

I will write in this journal in hopes that someone finds it if the worse comes to be. We, the witches, got hit hard last night we have lost Lilith Clawthorne, our leader, and almost half of the population, those who didn't become a drink for the vampires, either became a slave or a ghoul either way a fate worse than anything.

I don't know if we are going to last, our leader Morgan, reassure us that we are going to be fine and we are going to be victorious, but we all know the truth, we are going to die or be turned into a plaything for vampires.

My family... also died, I fail to save them... so I will fight to the bitter end.

--Night of July 17, 2026

It is so quiet!! There is not a single sound on the streets tonight, I have a bad feeling. I don't like this!!

What was that!!!?

Everyone is like me, we are all scared, some are resorting to illuminate the entire place. Like that is going to work, those damn vampires are immune to light magic. What are we supposed to do!? I can't sleep, not with the terror that at any moment the vampires might attack, that it. I know what they are doing!! They are trying to let our guard down to take us by surprise!!

Well, that not going to work!! I am going to stay up all night, I will not let you catch me with my pants down. No way!!

--Morning of July 18, 2026

I cannot keep my eyes open... I want to sleep... Nothing is going to happen, right? Yeah... Nothing will happen... I will sleep...

--Night of July 18, 2026

We got hit... They attack in the morning but the thing is it was quick they didn't slaughter everyone, I mean sure, Stew and Chris were killed but other than them, no one is injured.

What is going on?

--Morning of July 31, 2026

We cannot get a read on their attack. They are attacking us so bizarrely... they attack one night then the next night they don't and when we think that they attack night-morning, morning-night, they don't attack us at all.

Maybe we can... what is that? 


--Night of July 31, 2026

They got us good, we are down to nearly 250 members, this might sound a lot but take into consideration we had 450 members this morning... we got hit huge time... we can't keep our guard down.

Morale is incredibly low... our brothers in arms... our ex-brothers in arms came to attack us... they were lead by our ex-leader, Lilith Clawthorne... Morgan still jabbering about how we are going to win this war.

Such a load of bullshit... if I die, my only regret is not taking Miss Clawthorne offer... Maybe things would be different, had I taken her hand that night...

--Morning of August 10, 2026

The Vampire Queen attacked us last night, by herself, she did so much damage to us... we did nothing to her... we couldn't do a damn thing!!

Why are we fighting!? What the fucking point!? The enemy leader came to us alone and we couldn't do a damn thing to her!! Morgan still jabbering about our victory, we are getting sick and tired of him, he does nothing but give us horrible places to try to defend the town, yet has made no effort in investigating our magic so we can be more effective.

Worse of all, he stays at the back of the line, hiding during attacks, he does nothing for us and he contributes jack shit!!

Why do we keep listening to him!?

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