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Your POV:

Bilbo reappeared from checking on the orcs, panting. "How close is the pack?" asked Thorin as Bilbo came to a halt.

"Too close a couple of leagues. No more." replied Bilbo still panting heavily. "But that's not the worst of it." He continued.

"Have the wargs picked up our scent?" Questioned Dad.

"Not yet, but they will do. We have another problem."

"Did they see you?" came the grave voice of Gandalf from behind the group causing us to turn towards him. "They saw you."

"No that's not it-" Bilbo tried to say something but was cut of again by Gandalf saying "What did I tell you quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material."

The dwarves chuckled and grinned while Bilbo continued to try and gain their attention but he wasn't getting anywhere so I decided to step in shouting "Listen to him!" Everyone stopped talking and glanced at me before focusing their attention onto Bilbo. "I'm trying to tell you their is something else out their." Worry laced through the group but Gandalf just asked "What form did it take? Like a bear?"

"Y-yes but bigger much bigger." Gandalf looked as if he knew exactly what Bilbo was talking about.

"You knew about this beast?" asked Bofur a trace of slight betrayal hidden in his voice. Gandalf turned to look the other direction while Bofur continued "I say we double back."

His idea was immediately dismissed by Thorin who said "And be run down by a pack of orcs?" Everyone murmured their thoughts until Gandalf turned back to us and said "Their is a house, not far from here where we might take refuge." I noticed the way he emphasised the word might meaning that their is a chance we will not be allowed or worse.

"Who's house, friend or foe?" asked Thorin.

"Neither." said Gandalf gravely "He will help us... or he will kill us." We all gasped.

"What choice do we have?" A loud roar erupted from nearby causing many of us to jump.

"None" At this we ran through a river and across a large field the loud roars still echoing behind us. We came out of a forest and saw in the distance a large house giving us new strength. Bombur ran passed everyone and crashed into the door followed by Fili and Kili who started bashing on the door. I shoved passed them and lifted that latch causing the doors to swing open and us all to clatter through just as the bear caught up. We pushed on the door trying to keep the bear out finally managing to push it shut and lock it.

"What is that?" said Ori a look of fear covering his face. "That is our host. His name is Beorn and he's a skinchanger." We all went quiet with fear "Sometimes he's a huge black bear, sometimes he's a strong man. The bear is unpredictable yet the man can be reasoned with, however he is not over fond of dwarves.

We decided to lay down to sleep and sort everything out in the morning.

I laid my bedroll down so that we could sleep. I was about to lie down when I heard a voice from behind me. "Are you okay if I sleep here." I turned around to see Kili gesturing to the space behind me. "Sure." I replied. I laid down with my back to Kili. A shiver ran down my spine as cold air rushed over me.

"You cold?" Kili asked.

"Yeah," I muttered and a second later I felt an arm wrap around my torso pulling me close to them. "What are you doing Kili?" I asked, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Well you said you were cold so I'm using my body heat to warm you up." Kili replied. "Do you want me to stop?" Kili asked, worry laced through his voice.

"No it's alright." I turned my body over so that me and Kili were both on our side facing each other. My head is buried in Kili's chest and his rests upon mine. The calming beat of Kili's heart next to my head caused my eyelids to flutter shut.

Kili and I fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms.


I woke up with someone's arm wrapped around me and my legs tangled with theirs. I looked up to see Kili holding me tightly and peacefully sleeping. I rested my head back into his chest and closed my eyes.

After a while I felt Kili move slightly I looked up to see him open his eyes tiredly. I smirked and said "Morning sleepyhead." Kili just groaned quietly and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I think my heart skipped a beat when I felt his lips accidentally graze my skin.

We stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a while, Kili falling asleep again soon after. I then heard someone moving outside so I gently removed myself from Kili's arms and quietly got up and moved over to the door. I looked out to see a very tall man, supposedly around 10 feet, chopping wood with an axe. I thought it best not to go out and greet the man because I have heard tell of skinchangers and how they hate dwarves and although I am half elf I still would not like to be beheaded by a skinchanger. Not very heroic if you ask me.


Soon we were all sat around a table eating breakfast after Beorn had told us about how the orcs had enslaved the skinchangers and hunted them for sport. Beorn agreed to help us and give us supplies and horses so that we could make our way towards the forest of Mirkwood.

I stood to the side and placed my stuff on nightshade since she had found a way back to me. Gandalf then approached me and said "(Y/n) I would like to warn you that in mirkwood you will find out a lot about yourself." I looked at him in confusion as he quickly walked away. What's that supposed to mean.

We all then proceeded to make our way towards the forest of Mirkwood.

Sorry for the late update and terrible chapter I wasn't able to reference to the movie so I was kind of making wild guesses here.

Thank you for reading

The Desolation of Smaug (Kili x reader) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now