Saving Kili

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Your POV:

"What were you doing following 13 dwarves?" Legolas questioned the orc with his blade to it's neck.

"Not 13 for long the back haired archer was shot with a morgul shaft poisons in his veins." The orc said making my eyes go wide with fear for Kili. My face hardened and I pulled out my axe ready to strike.

"I would not antagonise her orc it would not be in your best interest." spat Legolas.

"You like death orc? Do you? well let me give it to you." I said angrily as I lunged forward blade in my hand only to be stopped by Legolas.

My father finally spoke "Enough (Y/n) you may go." I huffed and walked out the room to see Tauriel waiting for me outside.

"You don't need to tell me I know you want to go after them and I'm coming with you." I smiled at her words and we both quickly ran out the castle and along the river edge. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me and I turned drawing my bow but I saw Legolas draw his bow aswell. "I thought you were an orc." I said.

Legolas laughed and said "If I were an orc you would be dead." I scoffed and we both let our bows fall as Legolas walked towards us. "It is not wise to go hunting a pack of orcs just the two of you."

I smirked and replied "But we are not just the two of us."

"You knew I'd come?"

"Of course I did your my brother and your way to overprotective."

We all continued down the river talking occasionally until we arrived outside Lake Town. A piercing scream of a young girl could be heard and we ran towards it pulling out our daggers and bows. Reaching the house where the noise had come from, I kicked open the door and started stabbing at the orcs. Fili, Bofur and Oin were all their hitting the orcs with anything they could.

I noticed Kili lying down on a bed pain stricken face an orc coming up behind him. I quickly shot it and Kili looked up eyes widening at the sight of me. We continued to kill the orcs until their were no more.

"You killed them all." said a young boy.

"There are others." Said Legolas "Tauriel, (Y/n) come." Tauriel began to walk forward but looked back at me as I knelt down beside Kili's pale figure.

"(Y/n)?" She said "You're not coming are you?" I nodded sadly at her words and said "I will see you both again soon." She and Legolas smiled at me before leaving through the door. A second later Bofur came in holding a herb "Athelas." I cried taking it from him. Bofur looked surprised at seeing me again but didn't protest.

"Put him on the table and hold him down." I told the dwarves and they obeyed I made the herb into a paste and looked down at Kili with worry. "I'm sorry Kili this is going to hurt a lot." He just groaned in response before I pressed the athelas to his wound causing him to yell in pain. The noise broke my heart but I continued pressing the paste into the wound while muttering in elvish.

Kili's POV:

The pain started to get more bearable and I looked up at (Y/n) who was somehow shrouded in an angelic white light. That's when I knew for sure that she was my one and I loved her with all my heart.

Your POV:

I stood over Kili binding his leg. "(Y/n)" came Kili's voice His fingers brushed over mine and I saw her now had his eyes open. "You cannot be her. She is far away. She walks in starlight in another world... It was just a dream... do you think she could have loved me?" 

A smile spread across my face at his words. I looked down at him, brushing the hair out of his face and gently whispered "Yes."

The Desolation of Smaug (Kili x reader) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now