The escape

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Your POV:

I followed behind Legolas towards a room and got there just as Thorin walked out. He gave me a confused look so I mouthed back that I would explain later. The doors swung open and Legolas walked in while I hung behind nervously. "Ada I think there is someone that you would be very pleased to see." Thranduil quirked his eyebrows and Legolas stepped aside to reveal me.

I was worried of what he would think since although he had taken a liking to me many years ago I had heard that he had become crueller over years. "(Y/n) is that really you.?" I smiled and he walked towards me wrapping his arms around me in a warm embrace. "I have missed you Ada."

He stepped back and smiled softly "i as well yeldë, I thought I lost you." he said "You look just like your mother. You can have your old room if you want. I hope that you will be attending the feast of starlight"

"Of course." I replied.

"Legolas why don't you take (Y/n) to her room." Legolas nodded and we left the room walking the familiar path to my room. When we reached the door Legolas hugged my and said "it is good to have you back Muinthel." Then he walked of. I opened the door and as expected Tauriel was there.

"So are you going to the feast of starlight tonight?" I asked her.

She looked down "No although I am good friends with you I am not of high enough rank."

"Not just good friends, best friends which means that you will be coming because I have invited you. Plus we have been separated for to many years I am not going to this without you." I said smiling and a wide grin spread across Tauriel's face.

For the next few hours before the feast we plaited each others hair and picked out our dresses chatting about everything that has happened in each others absence. To anyone listening in it would have been if we had never been separated our bond was still strong.

I wore a simple green dress with a braided hairstyle.

I wore a simple green dress with a braided hairstyle

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Tauriel wore a light white and blue dress with her hair in it's usual plaits

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Tauriel wore a light white and blue dress with her hair in it's usual plaits.

Tauriel and I stood at the side of the room during the feast to avoid drunk elves but at one point Tauriel was asked to dance by another member of the guard

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Tauriel and I stood at the side of the room during the feast to avoid drunk elves but at one point Tauriel was asked to dance by another member of the guard. She gave me a look that said help me but I just smirked it was amusing to watch and it meant I had a chance to slip away and talk to the dwarves.

I walked down to the dungeons were I found myself in front of Kili's cell where he was throwing a rock that I had never seen up in the air and catching it. "What's that?" I asked bringing his attention to me. "It's a dwarvish rune stone my mother gave it to me as a promise that I will return to her. She thinks I'm reckless."

"Do you think you are?"

"Nah." he said throwing the stone up again but this time missing it and causing it to roll towards the edge of the pathway only to be stopped under my foot. I raised my eyebrows and held it up to the light examining the smooth surface. Turning around I gave it back to Kili allowing our hands to brush. "Sounds like quite the party up there."

"It is the feast of Starlight. All light is sacred to elves but starlight is undoubtedly the most precious." I explained sitting down on one of the steps as Kili began to tell me of a time he saw a fire moon.

Legolas' POV:

I saw my sister slip out of the feast of starlight so I followed her towards the dungeons where she was headed. She stopped outside the cell of the dark haired archer and they began to talk. At first I was disapproving of the way they looked at each other but then I realised that if she was happy then I am okay with it. I also noticed that the way the dwarf looks at her is unlike most men that think of her as a thing to use instead he looks at her with adoration in his eyes.

Your POV:

"I must go Kili if someone caught me here they might get suspicious, I will get you out though." I said. Kili nodded and I turned around and walked away.

I walked down into the cellars to notice that all of the guards were asleep and wine was spilt on the table. I didn't mind since it meant I could try and make an escape plan. The keys were hanging on the wall so I quickly grabbed them.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of curly blonde hair. Bilbo. I followed after it and quickly whispered "Bilbo slow down." He stopped ahead of me realising that it was me he said "(Y/n)? What are you doing here."

"Oh uh the king's my stepdad." Bilbo looked at me incredulously. "He married my mum. Anyway it doesn't matter. Here are the keys to the dwarves cells." I said and gave the confused Bilbo the keys. "Now listen, we were just in the cellars, yes? Well once they're out take them down there and get into the empty barrels. Then just pull the lever and you'll all fall into the river that leads out of here."

"Are you not coming with us."

"Well uh yes and no. I'm going to try and keep the guards away and the gates open for as long as possible then I'll come after you. Now go quickly before the guards wake up." I quickly ushered Bilbo away before anything more could be said then made my way back to my room.

I opened the door of my room and walked in. I saw Tauriel sitting on my bed, her eyebrows raised. "Whatever you're about to accuse me of I assure you I am innocent." I said causing Tauriel to chuckle.

"Okay now I'm suspicious that you have done something but that wouldn't be why I'm here." I sighed in relief while she continued. "Where did you go at the dance?"

"Oh that I just needed some fresh air."

"Were you talking to that dwarf, Kili I think?" I gave her my best puppy eyes before saying "yes but please don't tell Ada I know they're prisoners but they are still my friends."

The door suddenly flew open and there stood Legolas "(Y/n)... oh hi Tauriel didn't realise you'd be here, anyway the prisoners have escaped." He then quickly ran out the room while Tauriel gave me a suspicious look. "I had nothing to do with this just in case you wanted to know."

"Mhm" she replied before walking out of the room. "Shit." I cursed under my breath then running after Legolas to try and slow him down so that the dwarves had time to escape. I ran through the hallways and realised it was too late when I saw Legolas run out of the castle and shout "Shut the gates."

I ran outside and saw orcs along the river. "Kili!" shouted a voice, I looked to where it had come from and saw Kili lying by the leaver, an arrow in his leg and an orc advancing on him. I strung my bow and shot an arrow right through the orc behind Kili causing him to look up at me with wide eyes.

On the other side of the river an orc spoke in black speech probably threatening me but I didn't care. I fought my way towards Kili, stabbing any orcs that came near either of us. He managed to get up and pull down the lever so that the dwarves could escape. Then he rolled into a barrel with a heartbreaking groan. I ran along the side of the river killing orcs. Legolas proceeded to jump on dad and another dwarves head shooting at orcs. "Bloody show off, I can do better." I muttered before doing a back flip onto the other side over his head. I shot three arrows at a time while in mid air then landing on an orcs back and stabbing it.

I realised the dwarves were nowhere so I flipped back to the other side next to Tauriel who had a knife to an orcs neck. Legolas came over and said in elvish "Keep this one alive he may have information."

Yay the next chapter finished a lot earlier than I expected sorry if it's not accurate I wasn't able to refer to the movie for this.

The Desolation of Smaug (Kili x reader) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now